chapter 18

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i was making chimi churi while on the phone with enzo

"ok so she will stay with you for 5 days i packed everything and she's excited to stay with you"

"that's fine i love spending time with olí she's like a mini me"

enzo asked me to babysit olivia for a couple days while him and valentina his wife went back to argentina for 5 days

i agreed since pablo would be staying with me and i wasn't going to be alone

"ok enzo i'm making chimi churri right now so i'll see you at 6" "okay bye sis"

i hung up the phone and continued making the sauce until i felt someone hug me from behind

"hola amor" pablo whispered into my ear i hummed in response "que haces?(what are you doing) "chimi churri it's an argentinian sauce it's for steak or when you eat chorri pan which is sausage with bread"

"that sound good. what time is olí coming?" pablo asked kissing my jaw "in about an hour" "i can get myself to come faster" "PABLO MARTIN PAEZ GAVIRA"

"what amor cmon we won't be able to make love for five days i don't think you can live without me for 5 days"

"pablo no you aren't getting any for a month because of that comment" pablo scoffed and kissed me

"as long as your with me i'm happy either way" i giggled and turned to face him

"i love you pablo martin paez gavira" "and i love you y/n catalina valeria álvarez"

"the whole government name? how do you even know my full name" "how do you know mine?" "pablo hunny your famous"

"i love you y/n" "i love you too pablo" pablo lifted my chin so that he could see me perfectly and leaned in for a kiss

my lips attacked his and it was a rough kiss

"jump" he said in between kisses. i didn't hesitate and i jumped he laid me on the couch

while he was kissing my neck i was unbuttoning his shirt

he took off my shirt and i was talking off his pants

i heard the door bell ring and ran to the door

pablo and i were already dressed by the time enzo came here

"hi olí" i said opening the door "uh your brothers here too" enzo said offended

"hm i don't really care" i laughed and grabbed olis suitcase

"i do have to go i still have to pick up julian" "ok bye go win against panamá ok?"

after enzo left pablo and olí started to play

"foods ready" i called out

after about twenty minutes i saw pablo sleeping and olí playing

"olí go eat your food titi has to talk to pablo ok?" olí nodded and went to eat

"pablo what the hell were you thinking falling asleep while olí was with you?"

pablo woke up from my screaming "oh my god i'm so sorry amor i don't know i just fell asleep im so sorry"

he got up to hug me but i pushed his away "go home gavi"

pablos face turned into a frown "what?" he said shocked "you're tired so go home i don't want you here and i'll see some other day

"but i basically live here and most of my stuff are here" "i don't care pablo please just go"

"look i'm sorry for sleeping but i'm tired ok i go to practice almost everyday and then i have to come here and to deal with you bitching at me"

when he said that i was trying to hold back my tears "then leave pablo go and sleep since your so fucking tired go and sleep"

"y/n i didn't mean that" pablo said coming close to me i out my hands up to stop him from getting closer

i got a suitcase and started packing my close and things that i needed like car keys toothbrushes and other things

"olí come on we are staying with one of titis friends" olí got her toys and suit case and as we started to leave pablo stood at the door

"please don't go" he pleaded and it seemed genuine but i don't want olí to hear us fighting

"olí close your eyes ok and when you hear the door open go outside and get into the car ok titi is going to take a little longer. you can open your eyes once you are outside ok?"

olí closed her eyes and i pushed pablo and opened the door while olí ran out "y/n please don't go" "pablo i just need some space so move or i'll tell pedri to come and get you"

after pablo kept on pleading he eventually let me leave

i stayed with mikky, frenkies girlfriend until enzo came back and picked olí up

i parked in the driveway and got ready if pablo wanted to argue

once i walked in i saw an empty bottle of alcohol and pablo nearly falling off the stool

"god pablo your drunk?" i went and helped him to bed "i'm sleeping on the couch we need to talk tomorrow"

pablo was too drunk to say anything and i fell asleep on the couch after a while

the next day
i woke up to pablo making breakfast and went up to him "pablo" he got startled by me and smiled once he went back to normal

"i'm so sorry amor i made you breakfast so you can forgive me" "pablo we need to talk so sit"

once he sat i got nervous "what's wrong amor please just tell me" ok well if you insist

"i think we should break up" "no" was all he said "what? pablo this isn't working out we are breaking up" "no we aren't i care about you too much to let you go we aren't breaking up because i love you and if i were to lose you i don't know what i would do without you. you may have people who care about you and are more important but you are the most important thing in my life so no we aren't breaking up and i will do everything to stop that even if that means i have to get down on my knees to beg you, we aren't breaking up"

"pablo don't make this any harder please" instead of saying anything he just kissed me while cupping my face

"please don't do this please" he begged and begged "pablo i love you but you said you were tired of me and i think we need space"

"no i hate space i don't want space i want to be stuck to you for eternity i've never heard of space and i hate it with all my guts for trying to take away the love of my life"

i smiled and kissed him "fine but don't do anything like that ever again" "i won't i promise"

A/N: hey guys i really like this chapter and i'm so glad argentina won vs panama

i also saw el classico because my mom bought me tickets to go to camp nou and i went with my dad. spain is so pretty but i miss argentina

but it's ok because i have 2 more weeks here and i need to enjoy them but yea vote and leave suggestions please bye

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