chapter 8

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I was in my room getting ready for dinner with my brothers and pablo.

i was kinda nervous because enzo and julian and very strict and i'm scared they will scare pablo and he wouldn't want to be with me anymore.

I was putting on makeup when enzo walked into my room. "Enzo you know you can knock?"

"ehh not really my thing" i scoff and roll my eyes.

"where did you get the cebios? they are only found in argentina" enzo asks walking up to my desk where i have them

"pablo got them for me isnt he sweet?" i say smiling just thinking about it.

"uh yea sure so when is he coming"

"oh in about 45 minutes"

enzo nods then walks away

there's a knock on the door and i run to it

when i open it up i see pablo i hug him and kiss him

"hola amor, porque ran feliz mi vida?"(hey love, why are you so happy my life?) pablo asked pulling away from the kiss

"i just missed you a lot"

pablo chuckles and goes to say hi to my brothers

"hey guys" says pablo "hey gavi" replies julian "oh hey kid" enzo says looking up

"okay guys let's eat" i say seeing enzo give pablo a death stare

as we are eating enzo keeps on looking at pablo

then he notices his hand on my thigh and enzo stiffens but before he could say anything i talked in a secret language we made when we were kids with julian

"npopo lpopo rpegpañpes pes mpi npovpipo" (don't yell at him he's my boyfriend)

and enzo rolls his eyes "pokpay pperpo spu mpanpo spe qpupedpa pahpi" (okay but his hand stays there)

pablo looks confused and i place my hand on his and say "don't worry" and he nods

"pestpan paspustpandpo pa pel ppobrpe npinpo" (your scaring the poor boy) says julian and we laugh

"excuse me i have to use the restroom" i say and get up.

pablo's POV

y/n left me with her brothers and i'm kind of scared because i think enzo hates me but i'm staying calm

"so what do you want with out sister" say julian "uh i-" i stutter before enzo interrupts me "do you love her?"

  "i-" i try to speak but i'm interrupted again

"if you hurt her i swear to god julian and i will kill you" enzo says to me as julian nods 

"okay fine please don't tell y/n i said this but, i love her. I've loved her ever since we started dating and i know we've only been together a month and a half but she's amazing and every second i spend with her is amazing, she makes me the happiest man in the world and when she's around i can't think of anyone else but her she's always on my mind even when i'm not with her. words can't explain how much i love her and i would do anything for her because i'm definitely sure she's the love of my life and i never want to lose her"

julian smiles and enzo looks suprised i don't know if he thinks i didn't actually like her.

"just treat her right man" enzo says

"i will i promise"

Y/ns POV

i walk out of the bathroom and over hear my brothers questioning my boyfriend

"if you hurt her i swear to god julian and i will kill you" i scoff and i'm about to go yell at them when i hear pablo start talking

"okay fine please don't tell y/n i said this but, i love her. I've loved her ever since we started dating and i know we've only been together a month and a half but she's amazing and every second i spend with her is amazing, she makes me the happiest man in the world and when she's around i can't think of anyone else but her she's always on my mind even when i'm not with her. words can't explain how much i love her and i would do anything for her because i'm definitely sure she's the love of my life and i never want to lose her"

pablo loves me?

my head starts pounding and i don't know what to think i mean i love him but i don't know

i walk over there and sit back down

"mpe gpustpa lpo dpejpo vpivpir"(i like him i'll let him live) enzo says looking at me

"ypa pescpuchpe lpo qpupe dpijpo" (i heard what he said)

enzo's smiling expression drops

"y lpo pampas?" (and do you love him?) julian asks worried

"spi spolpo npo spe cpompo dpicpir lpe" (yes i just don't know how to tell him) i reply

"pel tpe pampa pun mpontpon spolpo spolpo" (he loved you a lot just tell him) enzo says looking at pablo

"okpo" (okay) i say

"okay pablo we should be leaving let's go

after pablo says bye to my brother we go to is apartment

"i have to tell you something" i tell pablo sitting on his bed

"what's wrong amor ?" he had a concerned look on his face

"please don't let this ruin our relationship" i mutter but he somehow heard me

"what ever it is amor i don't care"

i breath in and out slowly before spitting it out

"i love you"

i then look down and its silent for a while

"i love you too" pablo says and i lift my head up

he's looking at me and i go up to kiss him

"i finally got that out" i say smiling

me and pablo spent the whole night watching violetta and cuddling


i woke up in the morning to pablo cuddling me

i kiss him and whisper "i love you" i start to lays downs again and he whispers back

"i love you more" i turn and he grabs me by my waist and put me on him kissing my neck

"amor i'm naked and it's cold" i say as he kisses my neck

"the let me warm you up" he says flipping me over.

A/n: i hope you guys liked this chapter and the gibberish was a language i came up with when i was little so i used it.

please leave suggestions and vote bye

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