chapter 3

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"hey your grip is too tight let go a little" julian lets go a little "i'm sorry but why are you laying in bed with pablo? oh my god did you guys sleep together?!" "oh god no." "no?" julian looked at me suspicious "NO" "i just went to sleep there because you and enzo were drunk and so was i so pablo let me crash with him. i felt bad making him sleep on the couch so i told him we could sleep on the same bed. we are just friends can't i make friends?" "yea you can but it's a boy and the other guys said that you guys like each other" "we don't okay? we just met and we are just friends i'm just getting comfortable would you rather me be friends with your teammates or fight with them like i did in river" i was always team boca jr and i never liked anyone from river only my brothers "i guess having friends is alright but no funny business" "no never" i hug julian and walk back to our apartment.

2 months later
me and gavi are close friends now and i've gotten really close to pedri too. a game for the boys was today and i put on enzo's shirt because i couldn't find julian's. "okay im ready" "yea after a million years we are gonna arrive there after the game" replies enzo "let's go guys" " okay"

at the stadium
i walk into the locker room and see gavi i go up and hug him "hey" "hi y/n" "good luck today okay?" i pull back a little still hugging him so our eyes meet we are really close and i get closer but gavi pulls away "um gavi i have to go bye good luck" "wait y/n" gavi yells out but i already left. i like gavi but he just sees me as a friend

i felt so embarrassed tears are forming in my eyes i bump into enzo "hey y/n what's wrong" "nothing" i say hugging him "there obviously something wrong he says pulling up my chin it looks weird but enzo is like a brother to me.

I hear a door open and gavi is walking out he sees us and frowns while walking by enzo taps his back but he ignores him "what's up with him?" "i have no idea" i reply wiping my tears

"ok let's go, go cheer for me okay?" "ok" i walk back to the benches and start to think about why gavi looked sad maybe he thinks there's something going on between enzo and i he probably doesn't know i see him as a brother.

the game starts and the first 18 minutes enzo scores i was so happy i started cheering really loudly gavi looked at me and frowned i smiled at him but he walked away later in the 37 minute ansu scores and and i clap my hands only gavi notices again.

half time comes and i go and hug julian and then enzo i kiss him on the cheek "good job enzito"

i see pablo sad and go up to him "hey you did great out there" "shouldn't you be with you boyfriend" "i don't have a boyfriend?" "enzo?" "he's not my boy-" "i saw his hand on your chin you were hugging him you kissed his cheek you have his shirt on you called him enzito" "he's like my brother pablo, and what's wrong with calling him enzito?" "you called me pablito when you were flirting with me" "you knew i was flirting with you?" "yea" "well i was just drunk i didn't mean it" pablo looked sad and i felt bad but he can't know i like him"pablo let's go halftimes over" "okay" pablo gets up and walks away and i immediately start crying but then wipe my tears and go back to watch them

in the 68 minute gavi scores i don't cheer i don't smile i just stare at him he looks at me and smiles but i look away.

After the game ended we all went out for drinks. i go to the bar and sit down for another drink but a boy comes and sits down "i'm nate" "i'm y/n" "can i buy you a drink y/n?" "umm i mean okay" i glance over to where everyone else was sitting and see gavi looking over here upset i roll my eyes and start drinking with this boy

"so how old are you?" "i'm 17" "oh i'm 19" "hablas espaniol?" (do you speak spanish?) "si es mi primer idioma" (yes it's my first language) "you have quite an accent where are you from?" "oh i'm argentinian" "oh that's nice i'm mexican" "that's a beautiful country" "yea argentina isn't that pretty tho" "oh" "yea and argentinians are kinda annoying" "i mean not all argentinians are that bad" "eh" he goes to grab my hand but i pull away this guy was weirding me out

pablo's POV:

i can't stop staring at y/n and the guy she's with i may have a crush on her and earlier today i think she tried to kiss me but julian threatened me that if i even touch y/n he'll kill me so i pulled away.

i saw the guy try to grab her hand and her pull away i'm close with y/n and i know when she's uncomfortable so i go up to her "hey y/n are you okay?" "she's fine buddy" i put my hand around her waist "i was asking my girlfriend" "girlfriend? this dudes your boyfriend?" "yea he is" "whatever"

y/n's POV

his hand was on my waist i wasn't thinking about anything else "let's go y/n" "ok" his hand stays on my waist until we get there i slide into the booth and and he sits next to me "hey pedri" "hey"

we all went back to our apartments and i went to pablo and pedris apartment for a bit "we should watch a movie" pedri comes up to me handing me water "yea sure what movie?" "a scary one" "no i hate scary movies" "come on
y/n" "fine but i'm sitting in the middle" gavi comes out from showering "what's happening" "we are watching a scary movie" "yea but i'm sitting in the middle because i'm scared" "i don't mind" i see pablo smile

the movie plays and it already starts out scary i grip pedris arm and hug it i turn over to see gavi looking at me so i let go of pedri and hold onto the blanket instead.

i get scared again and this time go to gavi he puts his arm around me and rubs my shoulder i lean into his chest and hug him

the movie ends and im really scared "alright guys i'm going to bed goodnight y/n good night gavi" "goodnight" pedri leaves and go's to his room

"can you walk me to my apartment i'm still scared" "yea of course i mean you can always stay here if you want" "really?" "yea go sleep on the bed i'll sleep here" "let's just both sleep on your bed" "alright"

we both get into his bed and i feel his arms around me i wrap one hand around his neck and the other on his chest the light is off and i soon fall asleep on his chest.

A/N: hey guys sorry i took so long i hope you guys like this chapter please vote and add suggestions bye.

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