Introducing New Characters

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Theo smiled. "Everyone, I will like you to meet a few more people who will react with you." He looked at his friend. "Lucy."

Lucy nodded and clapped her hands. There, appearing in front of everyone, is Whitney, Willow, Klein, Amber, Maria Calavera, Caroline Cordovin, The Happy Huntress, The Ace Operatives (Clover and Vine are alive), Dudley, Dee and Tock.

Whitney looked around the theater confused. "What the?? Where..." He spotted his mom. "Mother??"

Willow turned around and was surprised to see her son. "Whitney?? How did you... What is going on??"

Caroline crossed her arms. "I was about to ask the same thing."

Maria recognized that voice. "Caroline??"

Caroline looked at her in shock. "What the?? What are you doing here?!"

"Nice to see you too." The Grim Reaper replied sarcastically. She looked around and spotted someone she did not want to see again. The faunus who took her eyes. "You?!"

Tock blinked a few times before looking at the old Maria. "...Do I know you, old geezer."

Maria growled. "Damn right! You took my silver eyes!"

Tock raised a brow. 'Silver eyes. What the bloody hell is she...' Tock thought for a moment until she realized what she meant. "W-wait! You're the Grim Reaper?!"

"Yes. I. Am." Maria hissed.

Tock pointed her finger at her accusingly. "But how can you be-"

"Where the hell are we?!?" Robyn shouted with an angry look on her face.

The Ace Operatives, except for Marrow, took their stance, ready to attack. Clover was the first one to speak. "What is this place?!?"

Harriet spotted Theo and Lucy and glared. "You two! State your business!"

Theo put his hands up as if he was surrendering. "Woah! Woah! We mean no harm! Me and my friend here brought all her to react to show with your friends/enemies."

Fiona raised a brow. "What are you talking about??"

Lucy points. "Behind all of you."

Everyone turned and saw the audience, who were most shocked to see them.

Weiss and Winter both widened their eyes. "Whitney? Mother?"

"Weiss? Winter?" The son and mother said in unison.

The Ace Operatives spotted their general. Clove spoke up first. "General Ironwood, sir?"

Ironwood walked up to them. "You all are here as well."

Dudley saw Dee, his friend. "Dee?!"

Dee widened his eyes and saw his friend as well. "Dudley?!"

"Bro, I thought you were dead!"

"So did I!" 

Tock rolled her eyes and scoffed. She looked around and spotted someone similar to somebody she knew. "...Salem?"

The former grim lady was shocked to see her former associate. "Tock??"

The crocodile faunus narrowed her eyes, looking closely at her former leader. "Is that... you??"

Salem hesitantly nodded. "Y-yes, Tock. This is... the real me."

Tock blinked. "What do you mean the 'real you'?"

Before Salem could explain any further, Theo and Lucy decided to jump in. "Everyone my I have your attention please?" The new people looked at the duo, waiting for an answer.

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