A Rose By Any Other Namek

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We open with an outside view of a mirror spaceship, where Krillin and Gohan are inside and surrounded at gunpoint by a group of space orphans.

Cutter: So, Frieza sent you to follow us, huh? Looks like he wasn't satisfied with just our planet!

"Uh oh." Ruby said concerned.

Oscar was shocked. "That escalated quickly then the previous episode."

"A case of mistaken affiliation." Ozpin stated.

Krillin: Who the hell is Frieza--

Cutter: Shut up! There's no way we can let you people live! Not after what you did to our planet, our families!

Weiss blinked. "You dunce! Krillin and Gohan aren't on Frieza's side, they haven't met him yet!"

The Space Orphans cheered.

Cutter: (while aiming a gun at Krillin) And now, for you crimes against our people...

"How can they create a crime if they don't know what crime they committed?" Clover questioned.

Krillin: Okay seriously, we have no idea what--


Marrow flinched a bit. "Isn't that a little extreme?"

Harriet nodded. "Yeah, I doubt their weapons will do much."

"Even still judging a book by it's cover is shameful." Kali said shaking her head.

Ghira nodded. "While I agree that they're angry at Frieza for what he did, they should know better than to accuse any trespasser at being in league with him is horrible."

Krillin: Uhhh, isn't that a little...

Cutter: Men! Ready your blasters!

Blake shook her head. "They should learn not to bring guns to a fist fight."

Many weapons are heard cocking.

Krillin: Gohan, this may be it. Close your eyes!

"Krillin, you're going to be fine, don't worry." Nora assured.

Cutter: Aim! FIRE!

A shot is fired at Krillin's head, which shows it has no effect.

Krillin: Oh... Huh....

The hammer-wielder smirked. "See? What'd I tell ya?"

Ren nodded. "Maybe this time they can talk like reasonable people."

Cutter: Oh, my God! Freeza's men are stronger than we thought! Everyone! Take your cyanide tablets!

"Your what tablets?" Ruby asked shocked at that.

Krillin: But we told you, we don't know any Frieza--

Space orphans drop dead one by one.

Krillin: (completely shocked at what just happened) I... uh... uh...

Summer covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my..."

Glynda widened eyes. "They just..."

"Holy shit." Qrow cursed in shock.

Even Sienna was stunned. "That was..."

"...dark." Adam finished. He himself is a murdered, but killing kids? That's... a bit far stretched.

Tyrian, however, was enjoying it. He was giggling like a mad man. "Know this is what I call a show!"

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