Frieza: The Final Cut (Part 3)

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Lucy hits play on the final part where we open on Namek with Frieza's severed body falls to the ground before going to King Kai's planet.

King Kai: Oh, my God...!

Tien: You know, you keep reacting, trying to prompt us to ask what's going on. You could just tell us.

King Kai: All right, fine. Frieza got cut in half.

Yamcha: Whoa!

"Yeah he got sliced into pieces." Cardin said nodding.

"It looked very painful." Yang said smiling. "I SAW it with my own eyes."

The audience groaned in annoyance.

"Yaaaanng." Ruby groaned.

Tien: Wow, I didn't think Goku had it in him.

King Kai: He doesn't. Frieza did it to himself.

"Accidentally, we should put that out there, he did it by accident." Ruby said nodding.

"His own anger and frustration cost him his life." Weiss said.

We come to Namek.

Frieza: Aaaah! My organs! Stay in there--stay in your home--daddy needs you!

Goku: Wow Freezer, you really were a cut above the rest. (Frieza groans) But too bad you didn't make the cut. (Frieza groans harder) Guess you could call this a slice of life.

Yang made mental notes to herself about Goku's puns.

Frieza: Please stop!

"Please no more puns." Blake groans as she and the others shake their heads. "Yang is bad enough."

"Hey! No I'm not!" Yang protested.

Goku: All right then, I'll cut you a break. I'm gonna split. (turns around and starts to walk away).

The audience, (except Yang), groans as Goku continues to use his puns unintentionally.

Frieza: Wait! Wait! Wait! I... I know I've done a lot of terrible things, killed quite a number of people, some of which you liked, but may I ask you as one neighbor to another, can you spare a cup of energy?

"Goku, no!" Marrow shouted.

"No, please Goku, don't be so gullible to do that." Fiona said shocked.

Goku: Well...

"Goku... don't you dare!" Summer exclaimed.

Qrow facepalmed. "If this dumbass actually..."

King Kai: (telepathically) NO! NO! NO! (spoken from his planet) NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

Tien: I'm not even asking anymore.

"Color me surprised." Mercury sarcastically said rolling his eyes.

"Goku helping his enemy will certainly lead him to his death." Emerald said nodding.

Goku: Yaaah! (gives Frieza some of his energy).

"GOKU!!!" Most of the audience shouted angrily.

Goku: Now be responsible with this energy--don't use to hurt any more people, or on the drugs.

Frieza: (wakes up) What, but why?

"Because Goku is an overly nice guy." Oscar said sighing. "A little too nice to be exact."

"To a problematic degree." Winter said in agreement.

Goku: I'm gonna go now, got a long trip home. I'd ask if I could take one of your legs with me, but you're probably hungry too. Bye! (flies away).

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