Chapter 4

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We finally reach the canyon, but when I see it my heart sinks. the entire entrance is blocked off by snow.
Suddenly, I hear a high neigh coming from the other Side of the snow wall.
"Dad! I think she's on the other side of the snow," I say excitedly, now filled with hope.
"Should we try riding over it?" Tanner asks.
"It's very steep, and I don't think Snowflake or Dart can make it over," Dad replies.
"General has great footing, I bet he could make it up!" I look to dad, hoping he'll let me.
"It's very dangerous Lexi, are you sure you want to do this?"
I nod and kick General, starting up the steep snow cliff.
He makes the first three steps okay, then slips on the fourth, sliding down a few feet before regaining his footing.
After much slipping and sliding, we finally reach the top. I look out over the canyon in search for the beautiful Mustang I encountered yesterday.
At first, I see nothing. but then, a shadow flickers behind a tree.
I nudge General and we slide down the slope, reaching the bottom of the canyon.
We walk through the large canyon, and stop near where I saw the mustang.
I hop off General and let him nibble on some dead grass. I take out my extra halter and lead, and continue down the length of the canyon on foot.
I walk around a bend in the canyon wall, and there, I find the mustang.
"Hey girl, it's me again," I whisper, slowly approaching the mare.
She nickers and bends her long neck gracefully, reaching out to smell me.
I softly stroke her mane, and then I'm petting her all over.
I then Notice she is limping on her front left leg, and she is badly scratched on her left shoulder.
Probably from the avalanche, I think to myself. although the scratches could have been from other horses or animals.
I stroke her until she is comfortable with me, and then hold up the halter for her to sniff.
At first, she jerks her head back and shy's away, so I grab a peppermint candy out of my pocket and hold it out to her with the halter dangling In Front of it.
She clearly wants the candy, but is wondering if She can trust me. She is wondering if she can trust the halter.
She slowly edges her way over to my hand, and finally sticks her whole head through the halter, grabbing the candy. before she can pull away, I swiftly latch the hater clip.
She pulls back a bit, but doesn't otherwise protest. She then proceeds to sniff through my pockets, digging out any more peppermint she can find.
"You like peppermint?" I ask sweetly, "hummmmm... Peppermint! That could be your name!"
She nickers, as if approving of the name choice.
I lead her back to General, tying her lead to his saddle horn.
We climb back up the snow wall, this time avoiding any slipping.
Once at the top, I shout, "Dad! Tanner! I got her," I grin widely, finally having something to be proud of.
We descend the cliff, and Peppermint spooks a bit when she sees the other horses. She is clearly not a very social horse.
"Nice job Lexi, she's beautiful. How'd you get the halter on her?" Tanner asks me.
"Peppermint. oh, and, speaking of which, I named her Peppermint."
"Good job, she doesn't look to be in too good shape though, we better take her to the Newton's mustang rescue." My dad states,
"What? Wait, but, I was hoping we could just call the vet, and maybe, I could keep her," I mumble.
"Sorry Lexi, but I just can't afford to feed another horse. Besides, keeping a wild mustang wouldn't be the best idea." He replies solemnly.
I sigh, "okay, let's get going."

Peppermint WinterWhere stories live. Discover now