Chapter 21

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I am completely speechless.

How am I supposed to respond to that? Should I say 'thanks'? Or maybe, say I love you too? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!

So instead, I just smile and look into his eyes.

We just lay here like this for a moment, before I hear a loud snort. Pepper is getting a bit bored by the looks of it.

We both look at her, annoyed. She pretty much ruined a perfect moment. oh wait- what in the world am i thinking?!? How could HORSES possibly ruin anything!!! I am annoyed with Pepper because of a BOY?

Thoughts fly through my head until my eyes stray back to Kayden's. Then I realize, he is not just another 'boy'. I realize that I just told him I love him. I realize that he just told me He loves me back.

I don't know what to think. Then I remember the situation we're in.

"Kayden, I think your leg is infected," I sit up, lifting the bandage.

He nods, wincing when air reaches the wound.

"I know what you need to do, but no matter how much it hurts me, I need you to do it." He states, looking at me.

I pause, not sure if I can do it, but then realize that if I don't, he will die.

"Okay," I simply say.


Finally, the wound is treated and he should be okay. I honestly didn't think I could get through that. He was in so much pain, although he did his best to hide it, I just couldn't bear to see it. I'm very glad it's over. We're sitting around the fire, silently staring into the flames.

"You know, I actually slapped you trying to wake you up," I mumble, my eyes drifting to his.

He chuckles lightly, "I had no idea you could be so mean."

"And I even punched you and... and just did everything I could think of. Don't ever scare me like that again."

"I'm so sorry," He says sadly, locking eyes with me.

I scoot over to him and lean into his side.

"You know, all I can remember is it being really dark. Then, I heard a voice. It was so powerful, I think it was an Angel or something." He says almost to himself.

"What did it say?" I ask Curiously.

"It told me that Lexi loves me and wants me to wake up."

"Wow, just wow. Hey, will you say a prayer for us?" I ask, looking up at him.

He nods, and bows his head.

"Dear Lord, we thank you so much for helping us get through this. We thank you for helping me to wake up, and for Lexi having so much courage. Most of all we thank you for your son, Jesus Christ. We know that this life on earth is not important, and that because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we have a chance to live in Heaven when we die. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen."

"Amen," I say, leaning into Kayden's side. I slowly drift off to sleep.


I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself tighter. I bury my face deep in something- a coat. My feet are completely numb, and my nose burns.

I squint my eyes as they open, adjusting to the whiteness of everything.

It looks like we accidentally feel asleep by the fire-the fire that ISN'T under our shelter. We are covered in snow from head to toe, nearly freezing to death.

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