Chapter 19

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I force my eyes open, taking in my surroundings.

It looks like the sun just came up, so I can see everything very well: The front of the car smashed into a tree, Kayden lying unconscious against the steering wheel, and an intense pain in my head.

"Ah," I reach my hand up and touch my Forehead, and find that it is bleeding.

"Kayden," I tap his shoulder. He doesn't respond. "Kayden," I say much louder this time, pushing his arm.

He stirs, lifting his head up and looking at me with a strange expression.

"Lexi, what happened?" He says, regaining his senses.

"It looks like we crashed," I gesture to the front of the car which is still smashed into a tree.

I squirm until I am out of the car, walking around to Kayden's side.

"My leg is stuck," He says, struggling to free himself. I look and see that his thigh is smashed into the car's dash.

"Try moving your chair back," I say.

He pushes the button and thankfully, it works. His chair slowly moves back until his leg is no longer pushed up against the front of the car.

I look at his leg and am horrified to see that it is cut badly where it was smashed.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He slides out of the seat, wincing when he moves his leg.

I suddenly remember Pepper.

"The horses!" I race around to the trailer, and am relieved to find that it seems unharmed from the crash.

I slowly and cautiously open the door, looking inside. The horses are completely terrified, but otherwise okay.

Kayden limps over to the trailer and leans up against the side of it.

"We'd better get them out of there," he walks around to the back and, with much difficulty, we manage to get both horses out and tie them to a branch.

"Okay, so the first thing we need to do is try and call someone," He says, pulling out his phone. I take mine out too, and Just as I feared, there is no signal.

"My best guess is that we're about an 8 hour ride to the closest town." he states, frowning.

"Well, I know you're definitely not riding like that. We need to get your leg treated so it doesn't get infected."

I gesture for him to follow and walk to a nice open clearing near the road. He sits up against a tree in the shade.

"Stay right here, I'm gonna go find the first aid kit," I walk away back over to the truck.

Now that I can see it clearer, the entire front of it is completely destroyed. The deer we hit is wedged between the tree and the vehicle, and by the looks of it, the truck won't be going anywhere.

"Great, just great. at least we still have the horses," I mumble to myself, digging through his truck.

I find a white box with a Red Cross on it, and I carry that back to the clearing.

After tending I his leg, I go back to the truck and gather all of our water and supplies we had over to the clearing. Then, I lead the horses there and tie them up before examining all of their legs.

"Well, the horses are fine, but you're not." I sigh. What in the world are we going to do?

"Lexi, we have to ride to get to the nearest town. It's the only way. I'll be okay. Gather all of the stuff onto the horses and we'll leave right away." He says, standing back up.

"No, but-what if your leg gets infected?"

"It won't, I'll be fine. Now let's get going." He stands up, waking over to our stuff.

"No, it's too risky. We should at least stay here for the night so you can recover some."

"It's 7 in the morning. We need to go now." He says stubbornly, not looking my way.

I sigh, knowing he won't give in. We put all the stuff onto the horses and I help him mount. Then, I go get on Pepper.

We leave behind the truck and trailer, riding down the long road to who knows where.

Authors note
Hey guys, it's 1:30 am and I'm rlly sleepy so no long authors note. thanks for reading :)

(Ps. I didn't actually go to sleep, I ended staying up till 4:20 am reading. I read an ENTIRE really long wattpad book in one night!!! And half of another book :) yeah.... probably not the best idea)

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