Chapter 15

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"Come on Tanner, please?" I beg, grabbing his arm.

"Sorry sis, but I have work. I can't right now." He shakes me off and walks away.

"What are we going to do now?" I ask Kayden, turning to him. "Tanner was our assistant," I pout.

"I could do it, the heeler doesn't rope until after the header catches the steer. I could do it from Dart's back."

"Well, I guess we don't really have any other options, do we?"

We walk back out of the house and mount up onto our horses, who had been tied up outside the front door.

We ride back to the corral and get into position.

"All set?" Kayden asks.

"Let's do this."

He leans over and slides the bar out, releasing the calf. It shoots out of the stall, running. Dart unexpectedly jumps to the right, slamming into Pepper and I.

Kayden just barely regains his balance and Sits back up straight, but Pepper rears up and takes off, bucking wild.

"Whoa Pepper!" I pull back on the reins and attempt to wheel her around, but she rears up again and this time falls backwards on top of me. Then everything goes black.


I feel someone shaking my shoulders roughly. I hear a muffled voice. I shut it out again and reach for that peaceful silence.

It won't go away though, it's just a continuous annoyance, pulling me out of my deep sleep. I just want it to go away.

"No," I hear someone say, and then I realize it was my own voice.

Now the other voice is clearer, "Lexi, can you hear me? Wake up," I realize it's Kayden's voice.

I force my eyes open, and see him leaning over me.

"What happened?" I groan quietly, squinting against the low sun.

"Oh, Thank The Lord you're okay!" He hugs me closely to his chest, and I hear his heart beating quickly.

I push him away and try to sit up, but my head is pounding. "where's Pepper?"

"She is still in the corral."

I look around and realize I'm in the barn, and the sun is streaming through the open window.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"Pepper crushed you, and- and- your heart wasn't beating," he stutters, breathless.

I gasp, "I died?"

"No, I mean, for a second. you're okay now though."

"I need to make sure Pepper is alright," I stand up shakily, holding my throbbing head in my hands.

Kayden helps me walk over to the corral and I walk in before throwing my arms around Pepper's neck.

She nickers softly and nibbles on my hair. "Are you okay girl?" I bend down and check all of her legs to make sure she is okay.

I climb back onto her and walk her over to Dart.

"What are you doing?" Kayden asks.

"You fall off a horse, you get back on. Let's keep practicing."

"What? No, you need to go to the doctor!" Kayden rushes over and grabs Pepper's reins.

"No way, I am so not going to the doctor, I'm fine. We need to keep practicing if we want to win." I say stubbornly, taking the reins back.

"Who cares about winning? Lexi, you almost died! I- I thought I lost you!"

The reality of his words sinks in. "Kayden- I, I understand you lost your sister, but I'm not her, and I'm okay. Let's just pretend this never happened. Horses are unpredictable, and accidents are just a part of riding. Trust me, I've been through worse than this."

He Sighs, placing his hand on mine. "I know. Just, please be careful."

"I will. Now are you gonna go get on or do I have to make you?" I say, offering a small smile.

"You are somethin' else." He mounts and we herd the calf back into the holding stall.

"Let's try this again," he says, a crooked smile spreading across his face.

Authors note

Heeelloooooo fellow wattpadians. :) hope u r all enjoying the book so far! Plz comments and vote! And thanks for getting me over 40 reads!!!!!! :) thanks for reading ;)

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