Chapter 9

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I climb into the car, feeling much better than when I got out. Mom pulls out of the chiropractor's Parking lot.
On the way home, I smile, thinking back to what happened when Kayden carried me to the porch.


"What do you think you're doing with my daughter?" Dad asked in his intimidating voice.

"We had a little accident on a trail ride. Lexi fell off and hit a tree, and she hurt her back. she can't walk." Kayden replied boldly, staring at my dad, despite the fact that he had a shotgun.

"Well then, I'll just take it from here." My dad replied gruffly, taking me from Kayden as if I were just a rag doll being handed around.

Kayden had willingly obliged, stepping back from the porch and walking to his car.

Flashback over-

Just the thought of how angry my dad had been makes me laugh. I mean, it's not like Kayden did anything wrong, but my dad made him out to be the green eyed monster.

While we're driving, My phone rings.
I look down at the receiver:

Kayden Newton

I answer it, "hello?"

"Lexi?" His voice sounds strange... sort of weak and shaky. "hey, I wanted to tell you not to come tomorrow to help with Pepper. my mom is sick, and I'm not going to be home."

"Oh, wait, where will you be? If you don't mind me asking,"

"At the hospital. listen, I have to go, I'll talk to you later."

Before I can respond, I hear a click on the other line.

"Who was that?" My mom asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Kayden. He said his mom is sick, and she's in the hospital. Have you heard about this?"

"No, I haven't, I hope she's okay. I think I'll call Kayden's dad when we get home,"


"I'm so sorry," I hear my mom say over the phone. "we'll keep you all in our prayers."

"Yes, okay, goodbye." she says after pausing.

"Mom? What's going on?" I ask, stepping into her room.

She sighs, "Lexi, Kayden's mother has cancer. The Newtons won't be able to Afford to keep the ranch, with all of the medical bills."

"What? But-"

"They're moving to Wichita, Kansas."

For a moment I don't know what to say. My mother basically just told me that my two best friends are leaving.

Pepper and Kayden.

"But-what are they going to do with all the horses? What about Pepper?"

"Well, first they're going to sell all go the horses, and then the ranch. They are are buying a house in Kansas next Tuesday, and they're moving on Friday. All the horses are going to auction."

I'm about to say something, but the only sound that escapes my lips is a muffled sob.
I just hug my mother and cry into her.

"Pepper could be sold for slaughter," I sob.

"It's okay sweetie, It's not your fault." My mother comforts me, stroking my hair.


The snow slowly trickled down from the clouds, covering my head In white frosty flakes.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," I sigh.

"I guess so," Kayden weakly replies.

The auction was yesterday, and Pepper was sold to a brunette teenage girl who wanted to use her for barrel racing. At least I know she went to a good home.

"Have fun in the big city," I say sarcastically.

He laughs, "I'll try. oh, I made you something," He hands me a small silver velvety box.

"Kayden, no gifts," I cross my arms.

"Just open it."

I do. there is a bracelet inside made from mixed colored horse hairs that are braided together. in the center of the bracelet is a small horse charm carved out of wood.

I gasp, "Kayden, you made this?"

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I reach out and hug him. "thank you so much, I'll never take it off."

"Come on Kayden, it's time to go." his dad says, waiting in their truck.

"Bye," I wave, a sad smile on my face.

He Waves back, getting into the truck.

I stand there, watching as he drives away. A tear trickles down my cheek.

Authors note

Hi people. :) kind of sad chapter... but don't worry, I do have a plan for this book! Anyways, thanks for reading! :)

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