Chapter 12

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I sit on our porch, my eyes on the driveway. I can't sit still any longer, so I get up and start pacing.

My mind is racing.
'He should be here now, what if he changed his mind?'
'What if he got a flat, or had a wreck?'
'What if he-

My thoughts are halted when I see his car pull into the driveway.

I can't contain myself any longer.

I run to him as he climbs out of his car, and I throw myself into his arms, giving him a big bear hug.

"You're finally here!"

"Hey Lexi! Wow that was a very mature greeting," he says jokingly.

"Hey, what took you so long?" I punch his arm pretty hard and give him a stern look.

He can see I'm not serious.
We both burst out laughing randomly.

"Where's Pepper?"

"Wow, so you drive all this way and immediately ask to see the horses?" I mischievously grin, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep. I guess that's exactly what I'm doing."

"Well, I don't blame you. I don't know how you survived being away from them all that time. I know u wouldn't have." I say, taking him to the barn.

"Hey Pepper," he reaches out and pets her, "you're looking great,"

"Off in our own little world are we?" I ask, noticing him staring at her intently.

He sighs, "I really missed being here. it's good to be back," He turns to me, "I really missed you."

"I missed you too. a lot. how long are you going to be staying?"

"I took off from work for two weeks, so i guess that means I'll be staying here that long."

"I wish it could be longer,"

"I know, I do too. So," he says, changing the subject, "are you still as stubborn as you were when I left?"

"Nah. well, maybe just a little. but hey, I said I'd never take it off, and I never do." I show him my wrist, with the beautiful little bracelet on it.

"That's very sweet, but you don't have to," he chuckles.

"I want to. let's go inside, we'll get you settled into your room."

We go to his trunk and take out his bag and walk up to the porch.

"Hey," I say, stopping him on the porch. "remember that time my dad came out here with a shotgun cause you were carrying me?"

He laughs, "how could I forget it?"

"By the way, weren't you intimidated at all?"

"Nope. well, yes, but hey, don't tell anyone because I have a reputation to uphold."

I giggle, and we head into the house.

"So here's where you'll be staying," i say, showing him the guest room. "My mom isn't home right now, so I'll just go fix us some dinner if you want."

"That would amazing, I'm starving."

"Well good, because I make some killer Mac and cheese."

We are both laughing as we walk down the stairs.


I am on my lap top in bed. Mom got home an hour ago, and me and Kayden went to our rooms.

I am looking at some different ways to mount a horse bare backed, when I see an ad for a western competition.
I click on it, and it brings me to a page:

Winter Oak's youth team roping, 2015

Entry fee: $20
Prize money: $50
Age limits: 14-18

Each team must have 2 riders (header and heeler)

"Hmmmm..." I unplug my computer and take it with me out of my room, quietly closing the door.

I softly knock on the door, and after about thirty seconds, it opens.
Kayden is standing there in a T-shirt and jeans, and his lamp is on.

"Yeah?" He asks sweetly.

"I found this on my computer, and was wondering if you thought it was a good idea to maybe show Pepper?" I show him the ad.

"Yeah, that could work. she'd need a lot of training though. it's a team competition, who were you planning on being your partner?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was sort of hoping you might want to." I say, although it's more of a question than a statement.

"I don't have a horse."

"Well, it just so happens that my brother's horse, Dart, is a retired Cutting horse, but He's also been trained for roping. I'm sure Tanner wouldn't mind if you used him."

he sighs, "okay, you win. I'll help you."

"Thanks so much. this is going to be really fun."

"Good night," he says.

"Night," I trot down the hallway to my room, grinning.

Ok so this chapter was terrible. this whole book is terrible. sorry, I'm trying but I'm not the best writer. still though, thanks so much for readin and supporting this book! :) Hopefully it will get better. thanks for reading!

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