Chapter 14

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I lead Pepper into the barn after another long day of roping.

"I'm so sore," I whine, stretching. "I don't think I'll ever be able to sit down again."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad, can it?" Kayden says, although I can't tell if he's serious, being sarcastic, or joking.

Lately I just can't tell what's going on with him. Usually I can... read people, but it seems like he's a different person when were practicing.

"It is. I've never been so sore in my whole life," I sigh, "hey, so you want to run to town for lunch? I'm kind of sick of leftovers."

"That would be fantastic. Let's hurry and put the horses up so we can go."

We quickly slide their tack off, before rubbing them down with curry combs and sweat scrapers.

"Where do you want to go?" Kayden asks as we walk to the house.

"I want a hamburger. We have this great little burger joint called 'Sparky's Burger'. I know, weird name, but amazing food." I suddenly notice we're going into the house instead of the car.

"Hey, I thought we were eating out," I question, stopping mid-step.

"We are, but I assumed you might want to change," He chuckles, his gaze drifting to my clothes.

I look down and realize how awful I must look. I'm wearing jeans that are soaking wet from melted snow, caked in mud, and ripped in the knees. My shirt doesn't look quite as bad, but it is still soaked and very muddy. My hair is a tangled wet mess hanging behind me, also covered in mud. And don't even get me started on my boots!

"You know what, I am so hungry I don't even care. Laugh all you want, I am going just like this. Oh, and sorry if I get you're car all muddy," I walk to the driveway.

"Suit yourself," He shrugs, walking to the car with me.

We both get in and Kayden starts the 20 minute drive to town.

"So, the competition is this Saturday."

"It is, and we've gotten our time down to 16 seconds." He says thoughtfully.

He was originally going to leave this Saturday, but he took off two more days, so he would be able to go to Church with us on Sunday, and still have plenty of time to make it home before work.

"Do you think we have a shot at winning?" I ask, glancing at him.

"If I didn't, than we wouldn't even be competing."

"You're too competitive sometimes," I nudge him.

With that, he finally turns to me. "you think so?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Maybe I should loosen up a bit," he grins at me.

We pull into Sparky's Burger and get out of the car.
I walk stiffly to the building, dried mud caking my clothes.

Kayden notices my awkward walking, "I told you you should change," He laughs.

"I'm fine. Who cares what I look like anyways,"

He looks like he's about to say something, but stops himself. I wonder what he was going to say.

We walk in, and I find Mia and Hannah, my other friend, sitting at a booth giggling about something.

I groan quietly, "oh great. hide me,"

"What's the matter?"

"That's Mia and Hannah, my friends." I point to their booth.

"Well, don't be rude, go introduce me to them." He grabs my hand and pulls me over to their table with a silly grin.

"Lexi, Hey girl! What happened to your clothes?" Mia asks, giggling.

"Riding horses, you know," I casually say.

"And who is this?" Hannah asks, her gaze drifting to Kayden.

"Oh yeah, This is Kayden, my friend. Kayden, this is Mia and Hannah," I introduce even though I already told Kayden who they were.

"Nice to meet you ladies," Kayden politely says.

I see Hannah mouth 'he's cute'. I roll my eyes, and change the subject.

"Can we sit with you guys?" I ask, sliding in beside Mia.

"Totes!" Mia giggles. Mia and Hannah are both from public school, and use phrases like 'cray cray' and 'for realzies?'. Words that I think are just dumb.

Kayden awkwardly slides in beside Hannah. I wonder if he regrets having me introduce them after all. He looks very out of place and uncomfortable, sitting at a table with three girls.

"So Kayden, where are you from?" Mia asks.

"I used to live here, my parents owned a mustang rescue. Now we live in Kansas. I'm just here visiting friends."

"Oh, so you're a... horsy person?" Hannah asks. Hannah is an extreme girly girl, and thinks horses are just gross dirty animals.

"Um, well, I guess you could say that," Kayden says, a bit confused sounding.

A waitress comes and takes all of our orders, and then walks away from the table.

We chat about dumb things like movies until our food gets here.

We are all eating when I randomly blurt out, "Kayden and I are competing in a Team Roping competition this weekend," I say proudly.

"What's that?" Hannah asks.

"It's where two people try to rope a cow from horses, you dumby," Mia answers. Mia likes horses like me, which is probably why we're such good friends.

"Oh," Hannah blushes. "So, you're like a real cowboy?" She asks Kayden.

"Uh, well-not really," Kayden says, clearly not quite sure how to answer that. "I mean, that depends on your definition of 'a real cowboy'." He answers, regaining some of his composure.

We eat and talk for a whole longer, before I stand up.

"Well, it's been nice chatting, but we really need to get back and practice some more. Let's go," I walk away without making sure Kayden is coming. I know he wouldn't want to stay with flirty Hannah.

Once we're well out of earshot, I say to Kayden, "not so glad you brought us over there now, are you?"

He chuckles, "that was not the most enjoyable meal."

"If you want, I could hook you up with Hannah," I say jokingly, giving him a mischievous grin while winking.

"Tempting, but I'll have to pass."

"How come?" I pout.

"Because I already have my eye on someone else." He says without making eye contact. His voice is more serious than before.

I don't respond. My mind is filled with questions: who? Is it someone in Kansas? Someone at his school? Someone here at his old school? Is it... Me?

No. No way. it couldn't be. it just... couldn't be.

But still... the possibility lingers in my mind.

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