Chapter 11

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I watch excitedly as the big red truck and horse trailer pull into our driveway.

I run to the trailer and open the door right away, clipping Pepper's lead to her halter.
As I do this, my eyes flash to my wrist, where my bracelet rests.


I miss him. I hate to admit it, but I do. he was my closest friend. Mia is my bf, but in a different way. Kayden and I have so much in common. He is the one I would always talk to, of I had a problem. now, he's gone.

I push him out of my mind, focusing on Peppermint.
I lead her into the barn and put her in our extra stall, beside Dart.

My mind strays to Blizzard, Kayden's horse. I wonder where he ended up. I wonder if Kayden misses him.
I shake my head, as if to clear my thoughts.

I quickly feed all the horses, putting blankets on the ones who are staying in the paddock.
I give Pepper some Mint candies and kiss her nose, before running through the snow back up to the house.

When I enter the house, I hear my mom talking to someone on the phone. I listen in, and realize they're talking about Kayden.
Mom's phone is on speaker, for which I am greatful.

"I am really worried about him. he's not taking to the city life well. All he does is sit in his room, staring at the ceiling. He says he's fine, but I know he's not." I hear a soft voice saying on the other line. I assume this is his mother, who has cancer.

There is a long pause.

"Do you think Lexi might be able to call him? I think she could help. They were really close friends." The voice on the phone says.

"Of course. She's out feeding the horses right now, but when she comes in I'll have her call." my mother replies sadly.

I quietly walk back out the front door, waiting a few minutes before making my entrance.

I take a deep breath, and then open the door.

"Mom? I'm done feeding the horses. Do you need me to do anything else?"

She walks into the living room.
"Um, actually yes. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to call Kayden? You haven't talked to him since he left. He's... not doing well."

"Sure," I shrug, "I'll go call him."

I run up the stairs, into my bedroom, and pull out my phone.

I go to contacts and click on Kayden, but it takes all the courage in my body to push the green call button.

It rings once... twice... three times...

I'm starting to get worried-

"Hello?" A very empty sounding voice answers.

"H-hello?" I stutter, my heart racing.

"Lexi?" He says, his voice regaining some of the spark in it.

"Yeah, it's me. um, I just wanted to- uh- to see how your doing."

"I'm good," he replies, although I know he's not.

"Kayden, um, listen, I really miss you. I heard your not doing too well, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you." as the words leave my mouth, I realize how stupid and cheesy they are.

After a long pause, he finally replies, "thanks."

"Oh and, I also wanted to let you know that we bought Pepper."

"You did? That's great," he says, and I can tell that just mentioning horses makes him sad.

"Listen, I just want you to know that if you ever feel like you need to get out of there, you can always come here." I swallow, "You can stay with us if you need to." I realize how awkward this conversation is getting.

He laughs. really laughs. it's good to hear him laugh like that.

"Hey, um, I was thinking, maybe I could make a trip down there. I mean, the drive isn't too far, and I'd get to see Pepper again," He says awkwardly.

"That would be great! Oh please please do. I really miss you a lot."

"Okay, I'll come down on Saturday. and um- I was wondering, what is the closest hotel to your house?"

"Nonsense! You can stay in our guest bedroom. I'm sure mom won't mind. Oh and, speaking of which, how is your mom doing?"

"She's improving. She's doing better."

"Okay, um, well, I better go. see you this Saturday."


Both of us wait for the other one to hang up, but when he doesn't, I decide to before it gets too awkward.

I am so excited and happy for him to come, but I wonder if there will be any strangeness between us. He is my best friend, but he's more than that to me. I wonder if he feels the same.

Authors note
Hey guys, no long authors note today because I can't wait to start the next chapter! :) thanks for reading!

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