Chapter 20

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"We've been riding for forever," I groan. The sun is high above, and I glance at my phone. it's 11:04 am.

Kayden doesn't respond, and I look at him worriedly. He is gritting his teeth, and sweating furiously. I see that the bandage over his leg is now completely drenched in blood.


He blinks a few times, looking at me. It looks like he tries to smile but is unable to. He still doesn't say anything.

"We need to stop, now."

He shakes his head, pressing his lips together.

"No, you are not okay. We are stopping right now." I trot Pepper off the road slightly into the forest.

Dart follows, and when he trots to catch up, I see that Kayden is clearly in a lot of pain.

I quickly slide off Pepper, looping the reins around a branch.

I go over and help Kayden down, but when he hits the ground he just collapses, losing consciousness.

"Kayden?" I say, very worried. I lay him down in the grass, before checking his pulse.

I let out my breath. Good. He's still alive.

I lean him up against a tree before starting to work on a camp for us.


I look around our finished camp and nod in approval. We have a little shelter for in case it snows, and a fire pit for tonight. The horses are nestled into my makeshift stalls.

Kayden still hasn't woken up though. I worry that his leg is infected, so I go to check it.

I lift the bandage only to find that it is all green, icky, slimy, and gross.

Oh great, I know next to nothing about injuries! I don't know how to tell if it's infected, and even if I did I wouldn't know what to do about it. I need him to wake up. He'll know what to do.

I weigh my options.

I could splash water on his face to wake him up, but that wouldn't be smart considering we need every bit of water we have for drinking.

I could just shake him and slap him to make him wake up, but I don't know if I have the guts to do that...

I COULD try to fix the infection myself, but I don't know what I'm doing! What if I kill him instead? Oh no, surely there is another way.

I decide, although I really don't want to, I decide on option number 2. The first option is out of the question, and option number 3 is just... I just really don't think that's the best idea. so I go with 2.

I lean down, mustering up the courage to begin.

"Kayden, Kayden wake up," I say loudly, shaking his shoulders roughly.

Much to my dismay, He doesn't respond.

I shake him more, and he still shows no signs of waking up.

I know he is alive, but why won't he jut wake up?

"Kayden, please wake up!" I cry, desperate now.

Without thinking, I slap him across the face, trying to get some sort of response.

He is as still as stone.

I try everything I can think of, yelling and screaming, even punching and shoving. He just won't wake up.

I finally give up, Leaning down so that I'm hugging him, my hand in his.

"Dear Lord, I don't know what to do. I can't let Kayden die, I just can't. So, please let him know that I need him and that... that I love him." I whisper a prayer to God.

I close my eyes, listening to his slow heart beat. I suddenly hear a faint whisper, almost inaudible, "I love you too,"

At first I think it was my imagination, but then I feel his hand lightly squeeze mine.

"Kayden?" I whisper, looking up at his face.

His eyelids flutter open, and he repeats what I thought was my imagination, "I love you too,"


Authors note

Hi people :) very sweet chapter ending, although a bit cheesy. I'm not the best at this whole 'romantic' thing. oh and I just wanted to let u all know, (please don't hate me) that there will be NO kissing in this book. although I don't think there's anything wrong with kissing, personally I want to save my first kiss for my wedding day. And Lexi is going to have it the same way. :) Plus, as I said, I'm not good at this whole romantic thing. so just plz don't hate me people ;) weeeeeeell thanks for reading! Btw there's only gnna be a few more chapters in this book. sorry :/

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