Chapter 17

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I wait expectantly and Kayden leans forward, lifting an eyebrow.

"Our neighbors have a large ranch and are hiring ranch hands. It pays $8 an hour and they said they have an available room in their loft. they could arrange for you to stay there. You would be provided food and any other necessities needed." My mother continues, "So, what so you say? Would you like to take the job?"

Kayden leans back, carefully weighing his options. He thinks about it for a moment before replying.

"I think it sounds like a fine arrangement!" He finally says, a grin spreading across his face.

"So you're staying here, in Colorado?" I say, still not quite believing it.

"I suppose it looks like it. And hey, maybe if I save up enough money I could eventually get my own place." He says thoughtfully.

I am just so happy I cannot even speak. To have my best friend back! I can't wait to tell Mia. Oh brother, I hope Hannah doesn't find out. she'll never leave him alone if she knows he's living here! I inwardly laugh at the thought.

"As I said, they're our neighbors, and you can actually just walk from our place to their's. Of course you'll want to gather all of your things and take them over in your car. When would you like to head on over there?" My mom asks.

"I could go over this evening. Do you know their last names? Oh, and can I have their phone number maybe?"

"Of course. Their last name is 'Davidson'. And let me just go get my phone so I can write down the number." My mom gets up and walks to the living room.

"But, does this mean you won't be able to help me with training Pepper anymore?" I ask, a bit less excited than I was before.

"I may not be able to help as much as I was, but we still have a competition to win. Which means we'll still practice roping everyday until the competition, okay?"

"Okay," I smile, standing up from the table to go get dressed.


I force my eyes open after another night in the barn. I look down at my phone and check the date. "Tomorrow is the big day!" I whisper to Pepper, standing up from my uncomfortable sleeping place in her stall.

"We better do a lot of practicing today, if we want to be ready for the competition tomorrow." I open the stall door, waking into the barn's main isle with Pepper following.

I slip on her halter and lead before tying her up to a stall post.

"I bet you're nervous, huh?" I ask her, knowing she won't answer. I rub the curry comb in circular motions, and she shakes her head up and down. Pepper loves to be groomed.

"Talking to horses are we?" A voice sounds behind me. I look to see Kayden leaning against the barn door with a crooked grin on his face.

"Not like you don't ever talk to them yourself."

"Touché," He replies, his grin fading.

"So how are you liking staying at the Davidson's place?"

"It's nice. Their barn loft still isn't near as nice as Your guest room though," he jokes.

"We better get started with training if we want to be ready for tomorrow," I say, and with that Kayden grabs Dart's lead rope before going to get him from his stall.

We are both grooming our horses when a girl about my age walks into the barn.

I recognize her as Emma Davidson.

"Hey Lexi, long time no see!" She walks over and hugs me. We know each other pretty well. In fact, we used to be really good friends.

"Em! How have you been?"

"Great, I just came to say hi. I knew that you and Kayden were like, entering a rodeo or something."

"Oh, yeah sort of. I completely forgot that you were going to be staying there where Kayden is..." For some reason, Emma being there makes me... uneasy.

"Um, yeah duh, I live there." she laughs.

"Duh," I smack myself in the forehead in demonstration.

I hear a gruff voice clear his throat behind me.

"Kayden! Oh, sorry I totally forgot you were here," I say.

"Well, thanks for dropping by Emma, but Lexi and I have to practice." Kayden tips his cowboy hat.

"Bye guys," she waves, leaving the barn.

"I didn't know you two know eachother," Kayden says to me.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, we're neighbors, so yes, we do. So, you're staying at the Davidson's?" I ask trying not to sound suspicious.

"Um, yeah you already knew that. are you okay? You seem... concerned about something."

"Oh-um, nothing. I'm fine. Let's go." I mount up on Pepper, wheeling her around and walking her out the barn.

Authors note

Hello everybody :) I hope ur all enjoying the book so far! :) I am really enjoying writing it. u know, it's funny because I hadn't even planned on there being an 'Emma' in this book until the very last moment when I actually came to the part where she makes her first appearance. So yea I found that interesting. anyway, if u guys find any messed up spelling or punctuation, lemme know! ;) thanks for reading

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