Chapter 22

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I freeze, not knowing what to do. The huge black bear snarls, standing up on his hind legs.

I just lay completely still, although I don't know what to do in a situation like this.

The bear leans down and begins to snuffle through my coat pockets.

I remember that I still have some beef jerky in my left coat pocket.

No. oh no no no please no.

The bear continues searching, roughly pushing his big nose wherever it will fit. It finally finds the source of the meaty smell, digging it's nose into my left pocket.

It tries to grab the meat out, but can't seem to get a hold on it. it starts biting the whole coat all over trying to get the meat out.

I hear a ripping noise, and feel sharp teeth pierce my flesh. warm blood spills over the skin on my stomach.

The bear seems to have caught a whiff of this, and begins searching out the source of this new smell.

I know I can't let him find the source, because I'M the source. I slowly start to scoot back, and thankully, the bear doesn't seem to notice.

I scoot until I'm nearly a foot away from the bear's body, his nose still digging through my coat.

I make a split second decision and jump up, running as fast as my legs will carry me. I can hear the angry bear chasing after me, his footsteps crunching in the snow.

I feel something sharp dig into my shoulder, and something strong bite my back hard. I collapse, screaming in agony.

The bear bites my arm, piercing the skin.

I know my death is here, but I don't fight it. I'm in too much pain to do anything but lay here while this monster eats me alive.

I close my eyes, waiting for the bear to begin its feast, when I hear a loud BOOM!

I don't dare to open my eyes, so I just close them tighter and lay there.

"Lexi," I hear someone say.

"Kayden?" I slowly open one eye, peeking out to find Kayden leaning over me, holding a pistol.

"Oh, you came!" I jump up and hug his neck tightly, but wince when I realize how badly hurt I am.

He scoops me up and carries me over to Dart, laying me gently in the saddle.

I slowly start to fade out, everything seems so fuzzy. I vaguely see someone carrying me towards something, and then I drift off to sleep.


I'm in somewhere white... everything is so bright. I'm very cold. am I in a hospital? No, not a hospital.

I suddenly find it very hard to breathe. my vision starts to clear up, and I see someone standing over me. I see Kayden with a shovel.

"Wait-no!" I scream as he shovels snow into the hole I'm lying in. he doesn't listen, he just keeps shoveling it in, burying me alive. Now everything is dark, and so cold. Now I can't breathe, and I'm digging at the snow above me.

"Help! Wait! Don't leave me here!"

"Lexi, Lexi wake up!" I feel strong arms hugging me.

I'm brought back to reality, and realize that I wasn't being buried alive. I am in a hospital bed, with Kayden here at my side.

"Kayden? Wh-what happened?" I whimper, sobbing into him.

"It's okay, it was just a dream. You're alright. we're safe, in the hospital."

"We are?" I lean back, looking around. Once I see that's he's right, I just hug him and cry until I have no tears left.

A nurse walks in, and I lay back in my bed.

"I see you're awake. You lost a lot of blood, but you're going to be okay now. I have some tests to run, so would you please exit to room, sir?"

He nods and leaves, and the nurse begins all of the tests.


I have been at the hospital for a week now. I cannot wait to go home and ride Pepper again.

Speaking of which, Kayden told me the whole story of how he got me here.

Apparently, after I had passed out, he had started riding to the town with me. He had to just leave Pepper at camp tied up. We had been riding for a while when a truck and horse trailer came driving along the road, and so kindly gave us a ride to the nearest town. He even let Dart ride I the trailer. So, we were taken to a hospital and it turns out Kayden's cut on his leg was already healing, but I was losing a lot of blood. I had to have surgery and tons of stitches, but I'm doing great now. two days ago, a helicopter picked us up and took us to our town's hospital. The horses were transported safely back, and we're both making a full recovery.

I get to go home tomorrow! I'll still have to wear a cast and stuff, and no riding for another week, but at least I get to go home!


We pull into the driveway, and I get out of the car.

"Where's Peppermint?" I ask excitedly.

"In the barn, where she usually is." Kayden chuckles in reply.

Despite my injuries, I run to the barn and see Pepper's head poking out of a stall.

He ears perk up when she sees me. I run over and hug her head, kissing her forelock.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," I whisper, rubbing her ears.

"Hey, don't I get a little recognition? After all, I'm the one who saved you from the bear, not Peppermint." Kayden says from behind me.

"Oh course you do." I walk over and hug him too, Pecking his cheek.

He clearly is unsure of how to respond, so he just hugs me back.

Right now, everything seems just perfect again. And I could get used to it.

Authors note
Hi everyone, just wanted to let u know that there will only be one more chapter, Epilouge. and it's gonna be pretty short. BUT I do have a big surprise I will announce at the end if Epilouge! So stay tuned ;) thanks for reading!

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