Chapter 6

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We pull into the Newtons' driveway about 10 minutes later. we don't live far from them.
I hop out of the truck with the lead rope and go around to the trailer.
Kayden and his dad come out to meet us. earlier today, dad called and let them know we were coming.
"Hey Lexi, long time no see," Kayden gives me a quick side hug.
"Hi," I reply, offering a friendly smile.
Kayden is 17, and I've always thought he was cute.
He goes to public school though, and I assume he has a girlfriend. although we don't see each other enough to ask questions like that.
Our dad's go on chatting about dad-stuff, and meanwhile, we are left to awkwardly visit.
"So, where did you get her?" Kayden asks, looking into the trailer.
"I found her out in the forest, and got caught in an avalanche. later I came back and found her trapped In a canyon, in very bad shape." I reply, looking at her sadly.
"Where is she hurt?"
"She's lame on her front left leg, which I assume is from the avalanche. And her shoulder is pretty scraped up, which at first I thought was also from the avalanche, but now I'm wondering if maybe it was a wolf attack."
"Does she have a name?"
"I named her Peppermint. although i call her Pepper sometimes."
"Wait, so you found her in the forest? As in, she was wild?"
"Wow, how did you get her in the trailer? And halter her?" He asks, perplexed.
"Peppermint, hence her name." I show him one of my candies that I had started carrying around just for pepper.
"Wow, you sure do ask a lot of questions." I state matter of factly, laughing.
"Oh, sorry." he blushes.
Our dad's have wandered over by the porch now, and seem to have completely forgotten about us and the horse.
"Well, since our dad's clearly aren't going to get her out, I guess we will." I unlatch the trailer door and Walk in, clipping the lead onto Peppermint's halter.
Once she is out, I hold her still to let Kayden inspect her injuries.
"Well, the cuts aren't too bad. could you walk her around a bit so I could see how her limp is?" Kayden asks, stepping back.
I lead her in a circle, until Kayden motions for me to stop.
"Okay, it's not too serious. if we wrap it, it should be completely healed within a week."
"So, what are you going to do with her? I mean, once she's better, do you sell her in an auction or something?" I ask, worry creased on my brow.
"No," he laughs, "we train them first, then we put them up for sale in ads and stuff, and then someone buys them."
"You'll make sure she goes to a good home, right?"
"Of course," he assures me.
I hold the rope out to him, and he starts to walk Pepper over to the barn,
But when Kayden pulls on he lead, Peppermint rears up and hoofs him right In the shoulder.
"Kayden! Are you okay?" I rush to his side on the ground.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he grunts, attempting to get up, but wincing from the pain.
I stand up and take hold of Pepper, who is perfectly calm now.
"Something tells me that horse doesn't like me," Kayden states.
"Nonsense, she must have just spooked or something. here, try petting her."
He reaches out his hand, but Pepper folds her ears back and nips at his fingers.
"Pepper!" I give her a little smack on the head.
"Hummm... well, I will admit that training her is going to be difficult considering she won't even let me touch her." He says, standing up.
"I thought your dad trained the mustangs though,"
He shakes his head, "we both do. he already has his hands full training three other horses right now. he sure doesn't have time to train another."
"Hey Kayden, do you think it might be okay if maybe I could come over and help with the training? Regularly?"
"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that. besides, don't you have school or something?"
"I'm homeschooled, remember? And trust me, I DO NOT mind. I would just love to come and help! And that way, I could still see Peppermint,"
"But, how would you get here? You don't have your liscense yet,"
"No, but you do, and my parents and Tanner do. I could just catch a ride with someone."
"Wow, that would be great. But you better ask your dad first."
"Yeah, but let's get Peppermint settled into a stall first. don't worry, I'll lead her," I giggle.
We take her into the barn.

Authors note

Hey guys, so sorry this chapter is kind of boring, it's pretty much just introducing Kayden to the books. thanks for reading! :)

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