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"Here we go," I take a deep breath, tightening my grip on the reins. I cast a glance at Kayden, who is looking very determined.

The bar is pulled, and and the steer bolts out of the chute.

Kayden pushes the bull towards me, and I swing my rope, tossing it over the steer'a horns. I dally the rope and drive the bull to Kayden. He swings his rope and tosses it under the steer'a bucking hooves, roping both legs. We stretch the bull, and a whistle is blown.

"And that was Lexi Burt and Kayden Newton, with a time of 12 seconds!" The announcer says over the microphone.

The crowd cheers, and we ride our horses out of the arena. we were the last competitors, so they are supposed to announce the winners right once we're done. we stop our horses once we've exited the arena, and wait for them to announce the winner.

"The winners of the Willow Creek Team Roping competition are," he opens a paper, "Lexi Burt and Kayden Newton!"

My heart jumps.

"We won! We did it!" I slide off of Pepper and run over and literally drag Kayden off of his horse hugging him.

"We sure did," he grins, hugging me back. "we sure did."


Author's Note:

Hello my wonderful readers!!! Sorry for how short Epilogue is, but as I said before, I have a surprise for you!!!
So, without further ado, I proudly announce that there will be a book 2 peppermint winter!!!! the Title will be: April Spring. I don't know if there will be a book 3, but I don't think there will be.

I will try to have the next book out as soon as possible, but before I can publish it I need a good plotline. I have the main idea for the plot, but if u guys have any ideas PLEASE comment or msg me!!! I could really use some insperation.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this book, and for giving me 140 reads so far! :) this is my first book, and it means so much to me that u all took the time to read it.

On a separate note, I would like to suggest u all to go and read snowapple3's book 'Dancing in the Rain'. If u liked this book, u will like hers too :)

Thanks for Reading! :)

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