Chapter 10

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I take my seat on the bleachers, a cowgirl hat shading my eyes from the sun.

"Come on mom," I motion, and she comes and sits by me.

We are at Peppermint's first barrel racing competition.
Although she's not our horse, I had promised Kayden I would watch her shows and make sure she was doing well.
So here we are.

"An next up, Scarlett Harne will be barrel racing on Peppermint Winter," The announcer says through his microphone.

"Here she comes!" I tell mom, giddy with excitement.

A girl on a beautiful black and white mustang shoot out of the starting gates.

At first, Pepper does great. she curves around the first barrel like a pro.
But when the crowd cheers, She stops midway to the next barrel, sending her rider flying. The entire crowd gasps, and Pepper dances nervously around the ring, rearing up and bucking like wild.

I can't bear to see her like this, so without thinking, I jump from the bleachers, climbing the fence, and entering the arena.

I run straight up to a very frightened Pepper, holding my arms up.

"Whoa!" I whisper, so that only she and I can hear.

She stops in her tracks, and calmly walks up to me.

It is as if time stops in that moment, and the only sound I can hear is our breathing. I go up to her and kiss her nose, before gently stroking her mane.

And then, our moment is shattered.
The girl who was thrown marches straight up to Pepper and yanks on the reins hard.

"What are you doing?" I shout without thinking.

"I am disciplining my horse." she furiously glares at me, and then force leads Pepper out of the arena.

I run after her, quietly following. I want to make sure Pepper is not harmed by this brat.

Once into the big barn, she ties Pepper up and starts untacking her. if you could call it that.

She roughly pulls the saddle from her back. when taking off the bridle, I was sure she would rip out a few of Pepper's teeth from yanking the bit out so hard.

"Gee, why don't you be a little more rough with her," I furiously snort, to angry to know what I'm doing.

"Excuse me? This is my horse, and I'll do what I please with her."

Suddenly, someone who I assume to be her father walks in.

"Scarlett, what happened out there?" He asks, gesturing to Pepper.

"This dumb horse dumped me! She just stopped for no reason!"

"She did not! She's never been in front of a crowd before, she was just scared," I butt in.

"And exactly Who are you?" Scarlett's father asks gruffly.

I take a deep breath, "My name is Lexi Burt, and I am the previous owner of Peppermint-well sort of. anyways, I found her as a wild mustang and broke her. She has never been in a show before, and she was just spooked."

"I don't care where she came from, this horse is loco. Not worth the money I spent on her. I'm sending her to a slaughter house," he says without emotion.

Scarlett glares at me triumphantly.

"No! Oh please sir, please don't," I beg, barely able to contain a tears that threaten to spill over.

My mother enters the barn, "Lexi! What in the world were you thinking?"

"Get this brat under control," Scarlett's father says.

I see where Scarlett gets her temper.

"Mother! They're going to sell Pepper to a slaughter house!" I sob, running to her.

My mother steps in for me.
"Mr. Harne, She is just a child, and she clearly cares for this horse. I am willing I buy her from you. I will offer you $200 for her."

"$200? Hah! The very lowest I'll go is $400."

"For a horse that is hardly trained? You said it yourself, that horse is loco. Two-hundred is generous."

They spat back and forth, until they finally agree on $250.

They shake hands on the deal, "Meet me at my house and we'll sign the papers," Mr. Harne says.

Scarlett loads Pepper up into their trailer and they drive away.

"You mean your really going to buy her for me mom?" I ask my mother, shocked.

"No, YOU are going to buy her for you. or- well, I'll pay $100, but you have to pay the rest. you already have at least $50 in your bank account, you'll just have to get a job to pay the rest."

"I can't thank you enough, mom. you just saved Pepper." I give her a big hug, crying with joy.

Authors note

Hellooooo everyone. this is a mic happier chapter, as u may have noticed. and don't worry, you haven't seen the last of Kayden. ;) anyways,

Thanks for reading!!!!!!! :)

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