Chapter 5

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"Hey girl," I coo, petting Peppermint's soft forelock. she's only been here for a night, and this afternoon we already have to take her away.
Just the idea of it makes me want to cry. I know I'm 16, and I try to never cry, but it seems like I've made some sort of special connection with this horse.
The Newtons are very close friends of ours, I've known Kayden since I was six. They own a mustang rescue, and I've always loved going to their house and getting to see all the horses.
I sigh, and plant a kiss on Pepper's nose, (I've started calling her Pepper sometimes) and then exit the barn.

"Come on Pepper, please just get In the trailer," I plead, pulling on the lead rope again.
Me and dad are trying to load Peppermint so we can take her to the Newtons'.
"Hmmmm, maybe I should get a whip," Dad suggests jokingly, although I don't quite pick that much up.
"Dad!" I gasp, "I would NEVER use a whip! Especially on Pepper!"
He chuckles, "I know darling, I know. but we do have to get her in. you have any other ideas?"


I pull out a piece of peppermint candy and hold it out while standing in the trailer,
"Come on girl, I know you want it," I stretch my arm out as far as it will go.
She leans forward, and then takes a step into the trailer. I move back, making It to where she can't get the mint unless she comes all the way in.
After a few more seconds, Pepper is in the trailer, ready to go.
I had been trying so hard to get her in, I didn't think about what would happen afterwards.
Me and dad climb into the truck, and turn down our dirt road.

Authors note:

Hey everybody! I think I might start doing authors note's after my chapters. :) oh btw, sorry for all the bad punctuation and everything, I'm not very good at that stuff. and don't worry, this book is going to get waaaay better and more exciting. sorry it's so boring and horrible right now, but it's going to get better. ;) oh and sorry for such a short chapter. I'm trying to get them to all be around the same length. :) thanks for reading!

Peppermint WinterWhere stories live. Discover now