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- Jungkooks Pov -

I hear the front door of our small apartment opening indicating that Chaeri is back. I smile widely and rush to go and great her.
"Noona your back..how was your day at work?" I hug her but she pulled out after a few seconds making me sad. She always does this doesn't she like my hugs?

"I'm tired Jungkook I'll just take a shower then sleep" she walk pass me to enter our bedroom while I stood there thinking what I did to deserve this cold treatment from her. Is she mad that she has to work while I sit at home doing nothing? Well it's not like I haven't tried to find a job, I did but can't get one even though I graduated my master's degree and is qualified.

I left Busan to complete my master's degree in economics here in Seoul where I met Chaeri who was already working at the Kim's enterprise as a receptionist. She's six year's older than me but still I fell in love with her since we met last year before I graduated and we started dating and moved in together. It's been five months and I feel like I'm the only one who puts effort in this relationship.

I sigh and walk inside our bedroom and sit on the bed waiting for Chaeri to finish showering so we could eat dinner together. She finally exit the bathroom wearing a baggy shirt and sweats, hair slightly damp...she looks good and fresh.

"Let's eat Noona I cooked your favourite dish today!" I smile but she just climb on the bed scrolling through her phone making my smile turn into a frown.
"I already ate with my colleagues after work so we'll eat tomorrow maybe" she seriously brush me off again today? After I put so much effort to cook.

"Chaeri you always do this!? I made dinner with so much love but you just reject to eat with me like everyday!" She turn to look at me then rolling her eyes which hurt me alot. She never does this.
"I never ask you to cook in the first place and besides I can still eat whatever you cook tomorrow so stop making a fuss!" She spat and lie down covering herself with the duvet while I sat there just looking at her with a stinging pain in my chest hearing her hurtful words.

"Chaeri-ah...why you do this to me? I love you and care for you alot but you always do things which hurt me...d-don't you love me?" I heard her sigh and she sit up instantly facing me with an annoyed expression plastered on her face.

"To be honest Jeon Jungkook....NO! I never liked nor loved you to begin with! I dated you thinking that your some rich ass dude but nah instead I have to suffer paying off for everything! Having you around is just a burden for me! I work my ass off everyday while you just sit and relax doing nothing! I've always been looking for a chance to kick you out and today since you finally decided to question my feelings I'll take this opportunity! I just wasted time on you for nothing! Lastly! Your not good in bed at all! Your small dick never satisfy me like how my sugar daddies does all this time and I not only get good fucks from them but also money to support your annoying ass! Now would you please get out of here and never show me your face again!!"

That's it. My heart completely shattered into tiny pieces on hearing her venomous words. She didn't only say that she doesn't love me but also cheated and insulted me like I'm nothing. Suddenly all the love I have for her turned into hatred and disgust now she she revealed how much of an actual slut she is all this time.

I guess love blinded me from seeing her true self and I keep denying it all this time making me regret all the time we had spent together while she was faking it all this time.

Wiping my tears with the back of my sleeve I stood up and took my bag packing my own stuff leaving behind everything that she bought for me using the filthy money which she got from sleeping around.

"Park Chaei thanks for being honest with me and showing me your true ugly self.. I gave you all my fucking love only for you to throw it away and tore my heart like it means nothing..of course you wouldn't know the value of love since you are a fucking whore! I may not be rich like your sugar daddies but I'm genuine and sincere! I regret opening my heart to you and I hope to never see your slutty self ever again!!"

I shouted as the tears keeps flowing out non-stop while she just stare at me with a bored expression.
"You done? Now please get out and go wherever you like and I hope to never see you again too kiddo" I scoff and exit the room rushing towards the main door and slam it harshly wanting nothing more than to get out of this place which I used to call home and where she slept with other guys while I'm not around. Disgusting bitch!

•| |•

Sitting here in the bus stand all alone while sobbing like a kid sounds pathetic but what else am I supposed to do? I have no place to stay or go. My parents will be so disappointed if they find out so thinking about going back to Busan is the last option.

Then suddenly one person pop up in my mind. My only friend here in Seoul who I can trust and ask help from. I wipe the tear away and pull out my phone then dail his number. After a few rings he pick up the call.

"Hello? Jungkook? What's up buddy?"
"H-hyung... I..she didn't love m-me..she c-cheated on me and kick me out I don't know what to do now hyung.."
"Whatt!? Jungkook where are you right now?!"
"At the b-bus stand near t-the omega cafe..."
"Ok don't worry Kook I'm coming to pick you up just stay put and don't go anywhere else hmm?" I sniffle as my nose became runny.
"Y-yes Jin hyung..."


First chapter of Messing Around With Mr. Jeon✌️

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