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"And that's all for today class hope you are able to catch up with what I'm explaining?" I keep the duster back after cleaning the board then face the class.
" Yes sir!" I smile on hearing their positive response.

"Okay you may go now for your recess..thank you class" they stood up and bow then start emptying the room so I pack my things too since I'm starving right now.

"Mr. Jeon!" Oh no not her again. I look up and saw Y/n smiling at me holding a box in her hand which she stretch out for me to take. I stare at her then at the box confused on why she wants to give me this out of nowhere.

"Yes Miss Y/n?"
"Mr. Jeon I cooked and made this lunchbox specially for you so please take it...I saw you eating only a kimbap these days and they aren't enough so here eat this instead..."

She saw me? This girl is really something to spy at her teacher while eating. It's true that I only eat a kimbap since I don't have much money yet in my wallet to spend on expensive launch. And I, for sure can't accept this offer from my student especially not from her.

"Miss Y/n that's kind of you but I can't take that... What I eat is enough so you can go share this instead with your friends" I smile genuinely but notice her smile falling.

"I'm being kind to make launch for someone for the first time but you reject it...you are at lost Mr. Jeon as anyone would be lucky to get to eat the food I cook so go starve yourself"
"Miss Y/n you know right this is not appropriate for you to do to your professor? I appreciate the fact that you put effort in making this but I cannot accept it so don't trouble yourself anymore ok? Have a good launch"

She scoff and leave the room making me feel relief. What did she expect? That I'll accept the launch and give her the attention she wants? Hell on.

I leave the classroom too heading straight to the teachers cafeteria to eat and today I'm gonna eat something abit heavy since I'm starving alot right now. Some kimchi fried rice will do.

•| |•

It was announced earlier than after lunch an entrepreneur will be there to give speech and tips so I'm heading towards the auditorium along with my colleagues. I'm not yet close to any of the professors here but I don't feel left out also because they all treat me well since I'm the youngest one amongst them.

"Mr. Jeon here is an empty seat sit here with us" one of the professors called me and I don't decline but quickly go and take the seat before it's taken.

I look around to see the students filling up the space. There are quite less as the population of this university is huge, guess they skipped it. But what can we expect they obviously find these kinds of programs boring.

After the program ended which took more than two hours, I decided to go straight back home though my colleagues invited me to go for a drink together I refused kindly since I rarely drink. It's just not my thing. I want a simple life without clubbing and getting laid with random people that's gross for someone like me.

While walking down the empty hallway I hear some noise coming from a classroom causing me to stop. I thought all students left already so who can it be? Curiosity got the best of me so I peek through the windows and what I saw made me shock.

Y/n and a guy having a hot make out session and touching each other. I look away quickly and walk away from there as fast as my legs could do. It's her wish to kiss anyone and I should be glad that she's tired of me. Such a player. Bet she changes her partner like how she changes clothes. Ew that's gross.

But I'm no one to judge and it's non of my concern either so I brush it off and head to the Bus stand to wait for my bus to arrive.

•| |•

Today I have a class with my students till 10am so I can relax abit after waking up early everyday and going to the university in the morning.

On arriving at my destination I get off the bus and at the same time a black ferrari stop infront of the gate and I watched as it enter inside the campus. Wow who's car was it?

As I walk inside I saw Y/n leaning against the ferrari twirling the keys in her index finger as boys surrounded her. Of course it would be hers who else would earn a Ferrari and drive it to college other than her.

I act like I didn't see anything and walk pass the group but guess luck is not by my side once I heared her calling me.
"Mr. Jeon!" I close my eyes and sigh. Can't she leave me alone for once?
"Oh Y/n.."

"Let's go to class together!" She exclaimed and walk beside me. I peek at her and her outfit screams richness. A sleeveless Louise Vuitton crop top, black denim shorts with a Gucci belt and chunky boots. Even her earrings look's hella expensive which I could never afford in my life.

"Mr. Jeon I know I'm hot but it's inappropriate for a professor to check his student out...am I wrong?" She smirk and flip her hair before entering the class which I didn't realise we already arrived. What the hell was I really checking her out this whole time?!

This shouldn't happen! Focus Jungkook don't get distracted by her no matter what

To be continued

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