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- Jungkooks Pov -

"A date!? Seriously Jungkook?!" I could hear her excitement from the other side. Today is Friday and I called her early in the morning to tell her about the date later which I'll be taking her.

"Yes so get ready... I'll pick you up by 4...an hour after your classes end.."

"Okay! I'm so excited to go on my first date ever! Thank you kookie!"

"Don't thank me baby it's my duty as a man to take you out..so I'll see you at the university in a few minute byee"

"Ok kookie see you"

She hang up. I smile and keep my phone aside then enter the bathroom to take a quick shower before going to the university.

I've planned everything for our date later and borrowed Jin hyung's car which he gladly gave. I'm trying to save enough money to purchase a car because it's kind of difficult to not have one and I also feel embarassed because Y/n always have to pick me up sometimes instead of me doing that.

I arrive at the university and students greet me. I wait for everyone to arrive especially my favourite girl. She hasn't arrived yet when it's almost time for class to start.

"Where is she?" I mumble under my breathe and wait patiently for her arrival. After another ten minutes I hear the door opening and saw her. She entered and bow making my heart flustered as her cleavage is on full display.

"Mr. Jeon I'm sorry I'm late...my dad called me just as I was about to come to the university..." I chuckled lightly.
"It's okay...you may go to your seat" she look up at me and gave a beautiful smile before heading to her seat.


"Mr. Jeon..." The door of the staff room open and Y/n walk in as I was discussing about the upcoming exams with my colleagues.

"One moment please.." I stand up from my seat and approach Y/n.
"What happened?" I asked her trying my best to not embrace her and kiss her tempting lips as the professors are present.

"I wanted a hug and kiss but they are here... sorry for the disturbance.. I'll see you later"Aish.. I want it too but sadly we can't.
"You'll get alot later hm? Now go for your class" she pout but does as I say like a good girl.

Once she left I walk back to my seat and my colleagues look at me weirdly.

"Mr. Jeon...I don't know whether this is true or not but I heard from some of the students that you and Miss Y/n are seeing each other..." I froze. Those bastard exposed us. Fuck.
"I heard that too...is it true Mr. Jeon? How can you date your own student?"

"I... I know it's against the rules but it just happened... I'm just a substitute so I don't see anything wrong since I'm leaving in a few months" they stare at me shocked that I'm admitting it. What did they expect then that I'll lie? Never.

"Are you serious? If her father finds out these things are happening you as well as Mr. Kim will be in trouble"
"I know but I like Y/n too much...but let's not discuss about my relationship with her..."

"You're a brave one Mr. Jeon to date your student...if anything happens we can't help you" I nod and don't give a damn. They can go complain and spread shit about me but I don't care. Nothing can stop me from loving my baby.


"Baby I'm outside your apartment" I lean against the car as I'm waiting for her to come.

"I'm almost done...just have to do my hair" I smile. She's dolling up for me so I don't mind waiting.

"Ok take your time sweetheart.."

"Just ten minutes more then I'm done.. I'm hanging up"

She cut the call and I slide my phone inside my jeans pocket. I spent some time getting ready too since I want to look good on our first date but couldn't decide what to wear so I just put on a Black skinny ripped jeans, white shirt and a black leather jacket. I did a little make up too so I look good and pushed my hair back exposing my forehead.

I think I look good.

"Kookie I'm ready!" I instantly snap my head towards her and my jaw dropped. She is looking so pretty and cute and beautiful and hot and sexy and I could go on praising her till I ran out of words.

I'm the luckiest man for real to have a gorgeous women like her as my lover.

[Your Outfit]

[Your Outfit]

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"You look so handsome!" She hug me while I'm still mesmerized by her beauty.
"Y/n.. you're looking ethereal... I'm scared someone steal you from me" I keep looking at her not willing to look at anything else not even blinking until she snap her fingers infront of my face.

"Are you going to keep looking at me instead of taking me to the date?" I kiss her red lips instead of answering.
"I'm sorry... I can't help myself..so let's go" I open the door for her and close it once she's inside then I rushed to the driver side.

"I had to burrow Jin hyung's car for now cause I'll purchase mine probably by next month.."I say as I start the engine ready to drive away.
"I thought this is yours"
"Mine is in Busan so of course I cannot bring it here"

"Oh.. that's fine I'm just excited about the date! It's my first" she exclaimed and clap her hands in tiny. Aw how cute.
"I hope you'll enjoy your first ever date then! I've planned alot so...I hope it'll be as you're expecting"

She grab my free hand to interwine our fingers together and placed it on her thighs.
"I'm not expecting anything grant at all....all I'm expecting is to spend time with you and do things like couples does.. even if we just walk and eat ice cream I'll be happy as long as I'm with you.."

I squeezed her hand softly feeling emotional on hearing her. She always know how to make me feel better no matter what.

"You're the sweetest Kim Y/n..." I kiss the back of her hand then focus on the road as I drive to the first destination.

A carnival.

To be continued
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