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- Jungkook's Pov -

I feel some movement from beside me which cause me to open my eyes and a smile instantly form on my lips seeing Y/n sleeping and snuggling her face in my bare chest her arms tighten around my waist.

I checked the time and see it's already 8. Since it's Saturday so it's fine to sleep this late. Y/n is still in deep sleep, probably exhausted because of our wild and hot session last night.

I decided to wake up and prepare breakfast for us while she's still asleep like a cute baby. Getting up slowly, I replaced my body with the fluffy pillow and she hug it thinking it's me.
"Jungkook...um...mm" she mumbled in her sleep. She's dreaming about me aww she's looking too adorable. I caressed her cheeks softly then place a peck on her forehead.

I walk towards her bathroom shirtless only wearing my jeans which I wore yesterday since I didn't have any of my clothes at her place. After doing my morning routine I walk out of her room to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

She has some frozen bacon in her fridge so I made some bacon with scramble eggs and French toast. Some orange juice would do instead of tea or coffee since it's more fresh according to me.

"Koo..." Two pairs of small arms hug me from behind and the way she called me just now was so cute. I turn around and see her wearing my shirt which is huge on her and covered till her butt.

"Did I wake you up babe?" She shook her head and cling to me. I find it nice having her clinging to me like a baby.
"I missed your warmth..." She look up at me looking damn beautiful early in the morning with her bare fresh face. I don't see any difference between her bare face and when she applies make up, she looks good in both.

"Let's eat.. I'm sure you are hungry right now.." I kiss her lips before doing anything else. She kiss me back softly, sucking on my bottom lips while I suck her upper one.

"This looks so yummy!" Y/n exclaimed as she saw the plate of breakfast. We grab our own plates and glass of juice then head to the table to eat.

"Oh we have to attend Jin hyung's party later! I'll pick you up by 6"
"Oh yeah...he looked so happy that day talking about his baby.."
"Being parents is the greatest feeling... he's lucky"

I think about us having our own child later and form a small family. Can't wait for that moment to come.
"Have you thought about having a child?" Her sudden question made me startled.
"Yes of course... I always wanted to be a father...and you?"

"I haven't really thought about that earlier since I'm still young but...after meeting you.. I kinda want one too later with you of course" she wants to carry my child? That made me so happy... I swear I will spent the rest of my life till death with her.

"You... I'm happy to hear that but we'll take it slow okay... I'll first find a proper job so I could support our family later and you won't need to do a single job"
"But I wanna work...as a model" she pout.

"Ok! You can do modelling" I agree with her and she smiles widely. I'll do anything to see that beautiful smile on her face.


It's nearly 6 pm and I've informed Y/n that I'm on my way to pick her up. I arrive at her apartment building and wait for her at the car.

She finally exit the building looking pretty and hot as always.

"You look gorgeous" I hold her hand and bring it up to my lips to kiss it.
"And you don't look bad yourself... always handsome" I grin and open the door for her.

We arrive at the destination and the party isn't something huge. Jin hyung said he invited only family and close friends.

"Jungkook and Y/n! Welcome!" We're greeted by a hug from Jin hyung. He looks happy and excited.
"Where is my Jungkook!?" I heard Jiyun noona's voice.

She approached us slowly, her baby bump looking bigger than last time. Jin hyung hold her gently.
"Hi noona! How are you?" I hug her making sure not to squeeze her much.
"Good! Though my baby is giving me some trouble by kicking and moving too much"

She caress her bump and smile. She noticed Y/n who's standing beside me awkwardly. I wrap my arms around Y/n's waist ready to introduce her to Jiyun.
"Noona...meet Y/n..my girlfriend" Y/n bow politely.

"Hi...nice to finally meet you... Jungkook always talk about you" I look at Jiyun and she scan Y/n first then stop at her face.
"Nice to meet you too Y/n... I hope you're treating Jungkook well"
"I'm doing my best.... I know what happened to him and I promise I'm not like his ex..."

Jiyun finally smile at her. That's a relief cause I thought she didn't like my girlfriend.

"I like you already! Please take care of Jungkook.. he's a precious being and didn't deserve what ever happened to him in the past"
"Yes unnie! I will..."

Jiyun look at me and smirk. What is that for.

"I see you got yourself a fine and hot women.."I smile shyly and rub my nape.
"She's... don't be mad but she's actually my student.. I mean Jin hyung's student"
"What!? Seriously Jungkook!?" Jiyun shout.

"Relax honey...." Jin hyung hold his wife's shoulder but she's still looking shock.
"How could you!? Oh gosh"
"I know it's against the rules but I can't control my feelings...we love each other and just because of this doesn't mean that I can't be with her"

"Yes honey... I can see they really love each other so it's fine beside Y/n is graduating in Two months so let them be" Jiyun finally calm down.
"Ok... sorry I overreact... it's just shocking..."

"I understand noona..."
"Ok it's time to reveal our baby's gender! Let's go" Jin hyung change the topic and lead Jiyun noona towards the decorated stage. There's a huge white balloon hanging from the ceiling.

"Let's count down!"
"1!" Both Jin and Jiyun pop the balloon and a pink poster written ' it's a Girl' rolled down along with pink flowers falling everywhere.

Seeing them so happy and crying out of joy I look at my girl who's smiling and clapping.
"Can't wait for our time to come" I blurted and she face me with the huge smile still plastered on her lips.
"Me too"

I hope that day comes soon.

To be continued

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