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"Class as I have informed you all that today is the last day to submit your assignment I hope you all have done what is assigned to you" Mr. Jeon stood infront of the teachers table leaning his body on it as he scan the class.

I raised my hands up since these people aren't doing it probably because they haven't done their job. They should learn from me. I enjoy life like a bad student but always complete my work on time like the good ones. Huh proud of myself.

"Miss Y/n... I'm impressed!" He walk towards my desk to collect my work and pass me a smile.
"Good job Y/n" his hands brush mine as he took the file from me. It's soft like him. He look at me as our hands touched but quickly look away.

"Mr. Jeon.." I stop him as he was an to turn around.
"Yes?" I bite my lips and look up at him.
"Can I come later for clearing some doubts?" He nods immediately without hesitation.

"Yea sure I'll be in the staff room you can come anytime your free" he smiled again and walk away. That was easy. Thought he would refuse after what happened yesterday.

"Hey baby.." Taehyung whispered causing me to look at him. I gave him a questioning look.
"What is it tae?"
"Let's bunk the next class I have to tell you something... we'll go to a cafe instead or better my house" sounds good. I nod causing him to smirk widely.

"It better be worth my time tho"
"It will" he kiss my ear and cheeks then face infront.


"Y/n you can't just do this!" Taehyung plead as he try to keep up with my pace. I stop and turn to face him.
"Tae I have too... I could already feel that you are catching feelings for me since we have this thing going on and I'm telling you before hand that I'm not good for you...you deserve someone who can truly shower you with love not just sex...you know me I don't do love so please it's for your own good we can just be friends from now on"

"B-but... I don't what to stop whatever we have... I promise to try and keep my feelings aside just don't stop seeing me y/n..." I sigh. He's my closest friend and I was the one who suggested this friend with benefits thing thinking that's he also want sex but without commitment but I was wrong.

"I'm sorry tae...you literally told me not to see anyone else and get jealous if you saw me with someone else... I don't want that I want to be free, I want to enjoy my freedom, I don't want to stick to one person all the time please understand... I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I did warned you since the beginning..take care Taehyung... your still my bestfriend remember that... just take your time to get rid of your feelings hmm?"

I walk away leaving him there speechless. I was shock when he confessed to me earlier even though he knew I don't like getting in a relationship therefore I ended whatever we had for his own good.

He's too good for a girl like me who don't know how to love. He deserves someone who is capable to give him what he want. I feel bad for breaking his heart but I had too.

I decided to go back to the university to attend the last class since I have to meet Mr. Jeon if it wasn't for him I would have went somewhere else.


My last class for the day ended and finally I can meet Mr. Jeon. I just opened the door of the staff room without knocking because why do I need permission in my own college?

Mr. Jeon was there talking to some professor and both of them look at me seeing that I just barge in. I smile and head to his cabin waiting for him to finish his talk.

"Y/n where are your manners? Don't you know how to knock before entering?" He sat on his chair after the other professor left the room without saying anything to me but here he is trying to give me a lecture about knocking.

"Mr. Jeon this college is going to be mine soon so why would I knock and ask permission in my own college?" He clearly looks stunt on hearing me.
"Yes but you still need to knock we are your elders don't just enter the staff room like this you should be respectful y/n even though you own this place... then people will respect you back"

I just nod not wanting to hear his lecture.

"Ok so what are your doubts today?" He opens his book and ask me to point the problem I'm facing. I pointed out a random hard looking topic.
"Oh! This? So see here..." He start explaining.

"Understood?" I nod even though I didn't pay attention to his teachings. He asked me to pass him a pencil to do some marking and I smirk as something came up in my mind.
Just as he was about to take the pencil I purposely drop it and Mr. Jeon was about to bend down but I stop him.
"I'll pick it up"

I bite my lips and bend down placing one of my hand on his thick juicy thighs for 'support'. He stiffened as I touched him there and was about to remove my hand but I quickly get back up after picking the pencil.

"Here..." I caressed his thighs before removing my hand acting innocent. He gulp and take the pencil without saying anything.
"Your thighs are something Mr. Jeon.." I smirk but my eyes were glued to the book looking at him doing the marking.

"you shouldn't touch your teacher like that it's inappropriate" I scoff and turn to look at him who was already looking at me.
"You like it tho.. I can say just by looking at your face earlier"

"No I don't! Just stop this y/n I'm not going to fall for your tricks" he sounded serious this time.
"But I find you attractive! Come on Mr. Jeon I know you want me too we'll keep it a secret.." I place my hand on top of his but he pull it away sending me a glare. Welp he looks hot when he's angry.

"Y/n..get out...you are crossing the line now and I won't tolerate such behaviour from my own student" I scoff and stand up walking closer to him. He thinks I'll back away? Never. I always get what I want.

"I won't leave you alone until I get what I want Mr. Jeon... it's Kim Y/n whom you are rejecting and let's see how long you can keep rejecting me" lifting my hand up I trace his sharp jawline with my finger. He quickly jerk my hand away earning a low chuckle from me.

"L-leave now Y/n...or I won't hesitate to complain" I laugh at his words. Complain? Oh poor man don't know what he just said.
"Go on... complain but remember that the day you complain will be the last day for you as well as Mr. Kim to work here...so think twice before... complaining"

I grab my bag and pass him a mischievous smile seeing him clenching his hands into a fist and glaring at me.
"Well I'll leave you for now! Bye Mr. Jeon hope you have a great afternoon and save journey home see you tomorrow!"

Blowing him a flying kiss I leave the room smirking as I remember the look on his face once I said he'll lose his job as well as Mr. Kim.

This is more fun than I thought it would be.

To be continued

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