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"oh yea... I wanted to inform you that me and Jiyun are throwing a small party to reveal the gender of our baby on next Saturday...um so you can bring Y/n along..." He smiled looking excited to know his baby's gender. How lucky he'll be having his own small family now.

Wonder when me and Y/n will start. Gosh I'm thinking too fast.

"Mr. Kim why would you invite me?" Y/n asked.
"You are with Jungkook? So your of course invited and don't call me Mr. Kim anymore... call me Jin oppa!" She chuckled and flashes her beautiful smile.

"Okay then Jin oppa... I'll attend it"
"Great! Anyways I gotta get going Jiyun is alone... I was actually passing by here and decided to tell you in person rather than in text but look what I came to know"

He look at both me and Y/n making us blush.

"Yea sorry for hiding it from you hyung..."
"I'm letting it slide...now Kook take good care of her I'll get going now bye you both"

He left my place and finally I could breath. I was so scared earlier thinking he would really hate me and kick me out from working in his place but he understands me and surprisingly approved my relationship with Y/n.

"Kook... I want to lie down...the cramps are killing me" I immediately look at Y/n who was leaning her head on my shoulder and hissing in pain. Picking her up in bridal style I bring her to my bed and laid her there then cover her body with the duvet.

"I'll go take some warm water and painkillers then I'll cuddle with you..." I kiss her forehead then head to the kitchen to heat the water.

"Here take these..." I help her sit up and she take the pills while I help her drink the water. After she's done I keep the glass on the night stand and climb on the bed pulling her body closer to mine.

I slide my palm inside her shirt to caresses her tummy giving some massage and I feel her relax in my hold.
"Feels good baby?" She nodded cutely and close her eyes hands clutching my shirt. She's so cute.

I place some kisses on her forehead and head as I never stop massaging her waist and tummy.

"Thank you Jungkook...no one has ever taken care of me during my periods I was always lonely....it feels so good now to have someone caring for me and making me feel love..."
I smile widely and peck her pouty lips.

"Anytime baby... I'll always be there for you through thick and thin both pain and happiness.. remember that hm?" She look up at me with tears in her eyes. This is the first time I've seen her beautiful eyes filled with tears. Is the cramps that intense?

"Is the pain too much honey? I wish I could take the pain away.." she shook her head as I bring my hand up to wipe her tear away.
"I'm happy I choose to be with you though we haven't been together for long... I've been too lonely my entire life that I don't know it feels nice to get these affection and love... I used to cringe thinking about being in a relationship and sticking to one person but now you change my way of thinking... I'm happy you did"

She kiss my chin causing my heart to flutter.

"I'm glad I decided to give you a chance too... I used to promise myself that I won't fall in love again but see where I am now? And I obviously didn't expect Jin hyung to approve this" she chuckled.

"Yea I thought he would be against this too since he literally loathe me this whole time"
"No he doesn't hate you baby... your just being a brat and he's annoyed but not hate... I was pretty annoyed by you too at first...oh you were a real brat"

She gasp dramatically and hit my chest lightly with her small fist. How cute.
"But at least I had your attention out of all the students in the university...you see you fell for me due my bratty behaviour...and I don't regret my actions towards you"

She state proudly making me laugh abit. Having this small talk with her seems to distract her pain.

"I know...and later I'm gonna punish you hard for messing with me" I whispered seductively making her smirk. Of course she'll be excited.
"Ohh I'm scared Mr. Jeon... don't punish your student.. I promise I'll behave" she drew circles on my chest with her fingers and pout cutely fluttering her long lashes too.

She's so adorable i just want to nom nom her.

"Oh no baby you deserve to be punished hard...that I'm sure you'll keep begging for more instead of begging to stop" my hands travel down to her thighs and I squeezed it feeling turn on just by thinking about what I'll do to her once her period is over.

"Stoppp...you know I get more horny during my periods so don't! I'm feeling aroused right now..." I smile mischievously and place some kisses on her neck.
"Is it so? Too bad we can't do anything now..."
"Mm...s-stop teasing..." She moaned as I suck on her sweet spot.

"Ok baby...just because your in pain otherwise I would have made love to you hard right now..."
"Shut up... I wanna sleep for awhile"
"You aren't hungry?" I massage her waist again and she shook her head.

"No I don't feel like eating...you can go eat if you're hungry"
"I'll eat later with you.. let's sleep for now.."

Resting my chin on top of her head softly I close my eyes and we both drift off to sleep again in each other's arms.

To be continued

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Messing Around With Mr. Jeon [J.JKX READER] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now