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"I knew it from the beginning that girl was a bitch! How could she hurt such a sweet guy like Jungkook! Imma kill her later with m-"
"Jagi calm down...we should comfort Jungkook first then plan her murder" Jin hyung said to Jiyun noona in a playful manner while I just look at them feeling abit jealous of their cute relationship.

"Jungkook... your the sweetest of the sweetest..you don't deserve any of this. Look I know you're sad and broken but don't give up...you deserve someone much more better than that whore" I look up at Jiyun noona with sadness in my eyes knowing that my heart is totally broken into pieces and will take so much time to heal so I don't know how to give it to someone again after what happened today.

"I don't know noona...she was my first... everything and..and I don't know if I can trust anyone else after this and I don't know where to go nor what to do I'm homeless and jobless.." A lone tear slip from the coner of my eyes again recalling her insults and painful words which I never expected to hear in my entire life from someone I love.

"I know Kook it's hard for you right now...but you can stay here with me and Jiyun for now... and I have a perfect job to give you!" Jin hyung pat my shoulder making me stare at him with wide eyes.

"But I will disturb you and be a burden-" he cuts me off immediately.
"Never. You'll never be a burden to us Kook... your like my brother and I'll help you whenever you're in need so don't worry hmm?"

"Ok...thank you Jin hyung and Jiyun noona.." I don't know what else to say. They are too good to let me stay with them. I'll stay for now, search for jobs asap and repay them for all their kindness.

"No problem Jungkook! As for the job Jin will tell you.." Jiyun noona peek at her husband.
"So...first of all...we are expecting a child.." my eyes widen on hearing this good news.
"Really!? Congratulations you two! Ohh I'm so happy for you both"

"Thanks Kook...so you see I need to take care of Jiyun during her pregnancy therefore I have to take leave from the university so are you willing to take my place as a substitute professor to teach economics at Seoul international University?" Now that's something which I could and obviously do!

"Yes! Yes! Hyung I'm ready! Goshh I've always wanted to teach and now I can do that! Thank you! Thank you so much I don't know how to repay you both first letting me stay here and providing me a job!"
"Our pleasure to help you Kook your like out family so don't worry hmm? We got your back!"

•| |•

- Few weeks later-

So today is the day! Wearing my white dress shirt, black formal pants and shoes I look at my reflection in the mirror. Today is the first day I'll be teaching as a substitute and I'd be lying to say I'm not nervous because damn I'm nervous as fuck!

I apply some hair gel then style my hair abit, sprayed some cologne and pat my face with some moisturizer and sunscreen.
"You can do it Jungkook!" I speak to myself before grabbing my bag then exit the guestroom which I'm currently using.

"Oh Jungkook your ready! Here I packed lunch for you and Jin!" Jiyun noona hands me the lunchbox and I smile appreciating her efforts she put early morning to prepare these even when she's pregnant.
"Thank you noona...you don't have to do this you know your still pregnant please don't trouble yourself waking up early"She chuckle lightly and wave her hand like she's gesturing that's it's not a big deal.

"Don't worry Jungkook I'm a strong woman and also just sitting doing nothing will result in me gaining weight during pregnancy so I need to wake up early do yoga for my baby to be healthy!"
"Well then as you say.." I chuckle as I keep the lunchbox inside my bag.

"Yeobo! What's with this behaviour!?" She suddenly scold Jin hyung as he comes downstairs. His tie is not in place, buttons wrongly done and hair unruly. Jiyun noona pull him towards her and start fixing his mess. How I wish I had someone to do that for me too.

"Sorry jagi I was in a hurry.. I forgot to look at the time table yesterday and my first class starts in 15 minutes a d and I have to introduce Jungkook to everyone too! Jungkook let's goo!"
"Yah! Why your so careless? Ok here's your lunch you and take care... Jungkook I hope you'll enjoy like it there byee!"

•| |•

On arriving at the university Jin hyung just pulled me as we rushed towards the classroom. Students are throwing us some glance maybe because they are seeing a new face? which is me...

"Good morning class!" He greeted the students while I stand there beside him feeling nervous as the students are whispering and looking at me from head to toe maybe wondering what I'm doing here.

"Silent everyone!" Jin slam his palms on the table and everyone kept their mouths shut. Wow he's a strict one I'd be scared too if I were a student.

"As I can see from here she's late as always.." he started. Who's she? Some rebellious student I assume. Of course there would be some.

"Anyways I won't waste my time waiting for one particular student so... everyone I have a huge announcement to make... I'm taking a leave from college till I don't know when...therefore during my absence Mr. Jeon Jungkook here will be taking my place and teach you all"

The students start talking again causing the room to be filled with noise. This is gonna be way harder than I thought it would be.

"Please keep quiet everyone! Jungkook come on introduce yourself..." He step away from where he was standing giving me way to stand so all the students can clearly see me. Okay don't stutter Jungkook be confident!

"Ahem! Hello everyone my name is Jeo-" the sound of the door opening cut me off which draw everyone's attention towards it. A girl walks in without asking for permission like as if she owns this place.

She's quite pretty I must say. Clad in a tight fitting top with a short mini skirt and her whole self screams hotness. Wait!? What am I thinking? Ugh she must be the same as that Chaeri so I shouldn't pay attention to such people.

"Miss Kim Y/n! I don't know what excuse you'll give me today for being late" Jin hyung glare at her as she walk pass us. She stop in front of me only to look at me from head to toe. And from now I'm sure she's gonna be a pain in the ass like those girls who tries to seek their teachers attention.

"My dad needed me Mr. Kim so any further questions?" She look at Jin hyung with an eyebrow raised and he just sigh.
"Okay but please try to be on time from tomorrow Miss Y/n..you may have a seat"

What? He just let her go like that? First she came late then enter the class without permission and gave a silly excuse.

"Jungkook continue... and later I'll have to warn you about her..Kim Y/n"

To be continued

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