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Again I woke up feeling an intense pain on my head. Feels like someone is banging my head with something. I open my eyes slowly and check my surroundings seeing the unfamiliar room I'm in right now.

Where the hell am I this time?

"Jungkook! Your finally awake!" That sounded like Jin hyung. And indeed it's him. Where is Y/n? The last thing I remembered was her face before I passed out again
"Yah! I was so scared when I got a call from Mr. Kim that you fainted and was carried to the hospital!"

"Hospital?!..I'm sorry to get you worried hyung... I'm just-" the door opening cuts me off.
"Mr. Jeon your awake!" I see Y/n entering the room looking worried then she sit beside the bed. She's still dressed like before looking so pretty.

"Y/n... I really appreciate what your family did for him and please do not spread this news in the university okay?" Jin spoke calmly and she nod then look at me passing a smile. This is the first time I see her smile is genuine and it's beautiful.

"Yes Mr. Kim I won't say anything...and Mr. Jeon I told you earlier to eat and take care why are you so careless?!" She scold me earning a chuckle from Jin hyung.
"I'll eat more from now..." I look down feeling a tiny bit scared of the both of them.

"Y/n your more nice than how I see you at the university" Jin hyung said and Y/n chuckle lightly.
"I know Mr. Kim... I'm sorry for my bratty behaviour I promise to change...and Mr. Jeon I'm sorry for..ah messing around with you...it was umm just to annoy you yeah nothing else" She smiled again.

"Well it's good to hear that... anyways you can go home now Y/n and I'll take care of him from here thank you for bringing him here I really appreciate this"
"Okay... I'll take my leave then Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon I'll repeat once again eat well and take care bye!"

She left.

Jin hyung turn to face me and shoot a dangerous look. Welp I'm dead today.

"What is this Jungkook? You know how worried me and Jiyun were when we got a call from Y/n's dad telling that you passed out? Thank god Y/n was there otherwise they wouldn't know who to report that you were in this condition! I don't think it's good for you to work two jobs that you even forget about your own self!"

I look down the whole time Jin hyung was scolding me feeling bad that I give trouble to everyone.

"Listen Jungkook... I know things are not easy for you right now but this doesn't mean you'll forget to look after yourself own self..."
"I'm sorry hyung... I'll... I'll not do this again I promise I'll eat more and look after myself but I still need to work at the Amber's" I hear him sigh.

"As long as you take care of yourself I have no problem with you working there... from now on I'll cook launch and dinner for you I won't trust you anymore when you say you ate outside"

"Ok hyung"


- Two Weeks Later -

"Good morning class!" I greet my students happily. I'm in a good mood today. The reason is... I found a small apartment for myself which I can afford by the salary I get. Working at the Amber's provide me with enough money to live on my own and I didn't want to trouble hyung anymore so I'll move out this weekend.

"Today we'll discuss about statistics so take out a notebook to note down what I'll be teaching"

I gave a sum for everyone to work on and walk around to help those who are struggling when my eyes landed on Y/n who was sitting using her phone. I head towards her and stand beside her.
"What is this Miss Y/n? Phones aren't allowed to be used during class..."

She look up at me and smirk keeping her phone away then showed me her notebook where she did the sum correctly without any mistake. She's way smarter than I thought.
"It's good that you pay attention and do your work correctly but please don't use your phone in class hm?"

She lick her lips and nod.

"Yes Mr. Jeon..."
"I can see you are doing well now.. I'm happy"

I look at her and smile hearing her words. These past two weeks she's been nagging me to eat like she's my mom and I appreciate her care. I know I shouldn't feel like this but it feels nice to have someone caring for me. Well I think she cares I don't know whether she really does or not.

"Yes I'm doing well now..."
"I can clearly see that... your becoming bulky again especially those thighs.." she whispered then cover her mouth. Here we go. Yes she is being nice but her flirty nature is still there but strangely this time I don't feel disgusted like I used to feel before.

"Y/n..." I pass her a playful glare then stand straight to walk away leaving her without saying anything else. She's really something.

"That's all for today class.. please go home and practice those statistical equations I might give a surprise test anyday" the students start grumbling at the mentioned of test causing a smile to grow on my lips remembering how I used to be like them too before.

I wait for everyone to exit the classroom as it's time for recess.

"Yah tae! Stop it!" Her voice distracted me and I instantly snap my head towards where  Y/n was being dragged by a guy. What the heck? She told him to stop yet he's dragging her.
"We have to clear things first Y/n! I don't want to lose you so come with me" I'm suddenly feeling weird seeing her expression soften and she followed behind him holding his hand.

The hell? Why is my chest hurting seeing this?

"Tae wait a sec" I act like I'm busy packing my things ones I see her leaving the guy and approaching me.
"Mr. Jeon... please don't say no this time.. I made this small launch for you...take it" she extended her hand which was holding a small black colour launch box. I look at her extended hand then back to her face. Guess I can't say no this time.

"Okay since you trouble yourself to do it so I'll accept.. thank you so much Y/n now go your... friend is waiting" she smiled widely once I took the tiffin from her hand and seeing her smile like this suddenly made my heart skip a beat.

The fuck was that?

"Ohh I'm so happy you accept it! Hope you'll like it I put lots of effort to make that! Enjoy your launch Mr. Jeon!" She bow then quickly walk away to exit the classroom while I just stood there thinking what happened to me.

My broken heart felt alive again and all because of these unwanted attention I'm getting from a particular student. I'm fucked up.

To be continued

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Messing Around With Mr. Jeon [J.JKX READER] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now