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"Kook! Wake up!" I flutter my eyes open and a smile made it's way to my lips seeing Y/n on top of me which made my morning already pleasent.

"Morning baby..." My voice sounds hoarse and husky but I know she loves it. I grab the back of her neck and pull her face close to mine so I could kiss her lips and she immediately kiss back.

What a lovely morning, waking up with my pretty girlfriend on top of me and having our sweet morning kisses.

"Good morning to you kookie... come on freshen up...Jin oppa called earlier saying Jiyun unnie is going to deliver her baby soon so hurry up we need to be there with them" she pulled me up looking excited.

I peck her cheeks before entering her bathroom to do my morning routine. Jin hyung informed me yesterday about noona but I didn't know she'd actually be delivering today itself.

"Here I made pancakes! Which syrup would you like to have?" Y/n asked while placing the mouth watering looking pancakes infront of me. I look at her wearing my hoodie with the apron still tied around her, totally looking wife material.

"Maple syrup please" she went to grab it giving a chance for me to ogle her from behind at her bare thighs. Her butt covered in a red panty slightly came in sight as she stood on her tippy toes to take the bottle from the shelf.

I lick my lips and bite them lightly. What a pleasing sight.

"Here you go...why are staring at me like you'll eat me instead of the pancakes" I snap out of my dirty thoughts and flashe her an innocent smile.
"Thank you! And I'll gladly eat you too" I wink at her and she playfully rolled her eyes. Shit that's hot.

"You'll be good wife you know" I blurted out as I devour the delicious pancakes. She chuckled softly at my words.
"What makes you think like that hm?" I swallow the food then held her hand, softly rubbing her knuckle with my thumb

"Everything you do...how you take care of me, make me forget all the pain I went through, give me lots of attention and love, make me feel lots of butterflies in my tummy when you laugh, helping me get ready for work when you're at my place and welcome me back home with homemade dinner, then waking up to see your beautiful face, you making delicious breakfast for me, and fulfill my needs everytime.... totally wife material" I tell her sincerely.

She give my hand a light squeeze and I got startled seeing her eyes tearing up. Oh no why is she crying.
"Baby... did I say something wrong?" I get up from my seat to go to her. She hug me and I pat her back softly.

"Y-you're so sweet... I'm thankful I met you and gave you my heart... I used to laugh before thinking that this thing called love is stupid but you proof me wrong... it's actually the most beautiful thing... I love you so so fucking much Jungkook"

I peck her forehead and wipe away the tears from her beautiful eyes. Her words made me so happy because I succeeded in making her feel loved.
"I love you too Y/n so so fucking much.." we share a sweet loving kiss full of love.


"Jiyun...jagi..come on you can do it...one more push and our little angel will be here with us..."

Me and Y/n are currently sitting outside the labour room. Both me and Y/n look at each other with an awkward smile hearing Jin hyungs words also noonas scream. It is indeed painful to give birth and that's why women are stronger than us mens. Carrying a child for nine months and giving birth is no joke.

"I wish we mens can feel the struggle of giving birth... it's unfair that only women has to feel all this..." I sigh.
"Everything happens for a reason kookie...we are made like this so we can't complain"
"You're right..."

Messing Around With Mr. Jeon [J.JKX READER] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now