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- Jungkooks Pov-

Fuck. Why she has to be so sexy and hot. It's freaking illegal of her to be this sexy. I keep my eyes on her as she untie my sweatpants and pull it down to release my throbbing cock. She smirk seeing I wore no underwear.

Well when she called me earlier I was naked and masturbating while thinking about her, so I just grab whatever is near me once she tempted me to come over.

"So so hard for me huh daddy?" She stare at my cock as her own hand is stroking it up and down making me hiss and close my eyes.
"Mm..yes baby... now please suck my damn cock like a good babygirl you are"

She does what I say and take my hard dick in her warm mouth, sucking it hard. Her hand squeeze my balls and I moan loudly feeling like I'm in cloud nine. She is so good in giving me blowjob.

"Ahh! You're so good at this Y/n baby... always so good" my mouth parted as she suck my balls.
"Hm...you taste good daddy" she grin and get's back to sucking my dick then she pushed it all in that I can feel my tip touching her throat. I roll my eyes and grab a fistful of her hair once she start bobbing her head again. How can she do that easily without gagging?

"Stop baby... I don't wanna cum yet... I want to stuff all my cum in your pretty little pussy.." she leaves my dick and climb on my lap to kiss me deeply. I kiss her back and squeeze her round ass before spanking it earning a moan from Y/n.

"I want to see your gorgeous naked body but you look so pretty like this...so gonna fuck you with this on" I swiftly roll over and place her gently on the bed. She's so fucking pretty like a goddess that I feel so lucky to get her.

"Now let me see your wet pussy" I push her panty to the side exposing her pulsing heat. I lean forward to kiss it and then give a long lick. She trembled and whine sexily which is so satisfying to hear.

"Ugh.. I want to be in you... gonna eat you good some other time" placing one last kiss on her pussy I stand on my knees and rub my tip on her entrance then slide my cock in.
"Umm fuck... always so tight and suck me in so well" I start thrusting slowly and kiss her lips, moaning in each other's mouth as we make love.

I cup her clothed breast and squeeze it hard as I never stop my hips movement. Pulling the material down enough for her nipples to be out, I start sucking them giving equal attention to both the babies.

"Hm.. daddy go faster please" she whispered in my ears nibbling on my ear lobes in the process.
"Ok baby" I bury my face in her neck and pick up the pace pounding into her hardly as I suck on her sweet spot which I know by heart.

"Oh fuck yes..just like that..yeah!" I groan feeling her nails digging into my flesh and she scratch my back. Fuck it pains but feel pleasurable as well.

"On your fours fast!" I pulled out and stroke my dick as I watched her get on her fours. I quickly push her panty to the side again then ram my cock inside her deep and rough.

"Ah! Yes daddy!" She arch her back gracefully making her pretty butt look more round especially in this sexy lingerie and the thigh high socks. She looks so attractive that I nearly shot my cum.

"Baby you look so pretty like this..so pretty all for me" I caressed her ass and squeeze it while fucking her tigh pussy filling the room with skin slapping sounds.

"Ah! Gonna cum...fuck right there" I bend down so I could kiss her back softly and fondle with her boobs.
"I'm cumming..ohh shit" I feel her milking my cock.

"Babygirl come ride daddy" I pulled out and lie down on the bed. She straddle me, trapping my body between her legs then pushed her panty aside before sliding my cock in her.

I grab her hips while she placed her palms flat on my chest then start bouncing on my dick.
"Oh fuck... babygirl..." She lean down to kiss me. I push my tongue inside her mouth and she suck on it making me moan.

Breaking the hot kiss she travels her lip to my jawline then my neck. I groan feeling my climax approaching and grope her ass helping her move on top of me.

"I'm gonna cu-cum again daddy... fuckkkk"
"Me too babe... let's cum together" after a few more thrust I buck my hips up and we moan loudly as we came together. My legs shook as I thrust slowly, spurting every bit of my cum inside her.

We don't need to worry about her getting pregnant cause she does some process in the clinic um contraceptive implant I guess, to not get pregnant yet. Therefore I can cum inside how much I want.

She drop her body on top of mine, both of us panting hard after the hot sex. I caressed her head slowly and place continuous pecks on her sweaty forehead.

"I love you my Y/nie"
"Love you too baby" I chuckled and play with her soft hair.

"Baby? You were calling me daddy just now"
"I wanna call you baby sometimes too" she said while drawing some invincible shape on my chest with her slender fingers.

"Ok call me anything you want..." We smile at each other then join our lips starting a soft kiss.

"So baby...you're ready to meet my parents tomorrow?" I got startled and gulp hard on hearing that sentence.
"D- do we really have to?" She nod.

"Yes...my dad said he wants to talk to you" Great. I'm dead.
"Let's pray it isn't about something bad" she laughed abit making me confused. I'm literally scared to dead and she's laughing?

"Yah! I'm scared! How can you laugh at me" I pout. She peck my pouty lips and I melt immediately.
"Don't worry... I assure you it's going to go well...now let's shower I sweat alot since you fucked me with my lingerie on!"

"You look to pretty and sexy like this can't help it" I smirk and wink at her. She scoff and stand on her knees then unhook her bra flashing her big boobies infront of my eyes. Holy fuck... I got hard again.

"Yeah you're asking for more...come on gonna fuck you more in shower" I scoop her slim body in bridal and walk to her bathroom.

To be continued

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