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"So will you be able to do all this Y/n?" I finished clarifying to her about how our relationship will be and she nod without hesitation.

"Yes! I'll try my best!" I smile and take her in my arms hugging her tightly. There is no stepping back anymore now. I've already given my heart to her all I'm hoping is that it won't be broken and thrown away again.

"So about Chaeri..." I start. Taking a deep breath I look down at my feet and decided to tell her everything.

"We met last year before I graduated my master's degree...she told me she works as a receptionist but I guess she lied to me like she lied about loving me too. On that day she revealed that I was only a burden to her because I was jobless and just living with her, she directly told me that she's been cheating behind my back by sleeping around with so many men at a time... she's actually a whore..a prostitute earning money using her own damn body and I never felt so broken as well as disgusted knowing I had sex with her too... I gave her my all but in the end I just found out she never liked me in the first place, just dated me for four months only to throw me like I'm some dirty trash... I had no place to stay so I turned to Jin hyung for help..."

I paused for awhile as tears are threatening to flow. It hurts like hell. I feel Y/n wrapping her arms around me resting her head on my shoulder and rubbing my arms. It feels good.

"She insulted me saying that I'm....not good in bed....that my size is not satisfying at all... it's all like a painful slap on my face... I hate that I loved her... she's so cruel.. I loathe her with my whole existence now... Fuck you Chaeri!"

I broke down into tears and cried my eye out.

"Jungkook.... it's fine...let it all out I'm here for you.. she's a disgusting person to treat you like a trash when you did everything for her that other men's can't...wish I could fucking slap her and pull her damn hair for breaking you like this... I'm here for you...stop wasting your tears on that whore.."

She's right why am I crying for that slut. I wipe my tears and try to calm down.

"Come here.." I pull Y/n up from where she was sitting making her squeal then I place her on my lap wrapping both my hands around her figure.
"Let me hug you... I need this" I place my head on her soft chest and close my eyes listening to her heart which is beating so fast right now.

She start playing with my hair and it calm me down. I feel good having her here in my arms.
"Mm again..." I mumbled as I feel her running her fingers through my hair. She does it again making me moan.

"You like me playing with your soft fluffy hair?" I nod and raise my head up to look at her who's looking down at me too. I smile seeing her pretty face up close and lean in to peck her tempting red lips.

And Y/n being bold as always, pulled my face towards hers to press her lips on top of mine. I smile and kiss her back.

Our lips fit perfectly against each other's and moved in sync. I was enjoying this alot that I want to French kiss her so I dart my tongue out and lick her bottom lips making her part her lips allowing my tongue to enter her hot mouth and met her one.

She sucked on my tongue making me moan. Fuck she's such a good kisser.

We pull out for a second and a string of our saliva connect out lips due to the hot messy kiss. But I want more of her lips so I joined our wet lips again and kiss her passionately.
She wrap her arms around my neck running her fingers through my hair and tugged on it making me groan in the kiss.

Fuck she's making me feel aroused.

I pull out and peck her cheeks as I caressed her waist softly while staring at her beautiful face.
"We should stop here...." I said and I noticed her lips forming a small pout. Aw my baby.
"Ok but what about your problem down there?" She smirk and roll her hips earning a groan from me as her butt brushed my hardness that was caused because of her.

"Don't you need my help with this hm? Mr. Jeon?" She bite her lips and stare at me with a seductive gaze. Fuck she's so hot I can't say no to her.

"Fuck...yes baby..you cause this now solve this problem like the good girl you are"

To be continued

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