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- Author's Pov -

"I'm so nervous....gosh Y/n do something.." Jungkook whine not wanting to get off the car once you both arrived at your parents mansion.

"Oh come Jungkook! You'll be fine..my parents are understanding just quit thinking negatively"

You admit it you're quite annoyed with him constantly saying unwanted stuff all these times.
"I'm... sorry... it's nerve wrecking to meet a girl's parents...so I'm just.." you sigh and look at him fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"I understand your point of view but I know my parents... they'll love you because I love you..so stop thinking they'll separate us. I will never let that happen okay" he nod. You lean towards him and peck his forehead making him smile a little bit.

"Now let's go... they're probably waiting for us"

Standing in front of the door, you press the door bell which immediately open and your mom greeted you with a warm hug.
"Welcome sweetie! Oh this is your man Jungkook huh?" She smiles at Jungkook and he bow.

"Hello Mrs. Kim I'm Jeon Jungkook nice to meet you" your mom winks at you and then face Jungkook.
"My my Y/n you got yourself a guy who's not only handsome but also polite and such a gentleman..come on in son feel free and relax like you're in your own home"

Entering the house you spot your dad reading newspaper. Jungkook gulp nervously and his eyes widen as you left his side, rushing towards your dad. Your dad is very handsome Jungkook must admit it.

"Dad! We're here" your dad abandoned the newspaper and engulfed you in a hug while Jungkook stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"So you're Mr. Jeon huh? Sit why are you standing?" Jungkook bow to your dad and quickly take a seat on the couch opposite to the one where you and your dad are sitting.

"Yes Mr. Kim..nice to meet you"
"I think we met before right... weren't you that waiter who fainted while working at Amber's?" Jungkook felt embarrassed recalling that night.

"Y-yes I'm the one...it was due to my negligence and I didn't get to thank you for taking me to the hospital"
"Oh it's fine son! Y/n sweetie why don't you go help your mom in the kitchen while me and Mr. Jeon have some men's talk?"

Jungkook look at you with pleading eyes, begging you not to leave him alone with your dad. You flash him a smile and mouthed 'you'll be fine' then leave the living room.

Once you left him to die of nervousness here, Jungkook wander his eyes everywhere to avoid eye contact with your dad.
"So...my daughter told me alot about you and from what she told me I can say you really love her and make her happy"

Jungkook clear his throat before answering him hoping he won't stutter like an idiot and embarasse himself.
"Yes sir I love her alot.. I promise to always keep her smiling and happy so please give us a chance"

Your dad smile and place a file infront of Jungkook on the table which made him look at the man clueless.
"Read that carefully..."

Jungkooks hand were shivering as he lift the file up and he nearly cry out of joy on seeing what's written on the first page.

"Mr. Jeon's Schedule at Seoul's International University"

Was printed on the paper and Jungkook closed his eyes as tears of happiness as well as gratefulness rolled down his cheeks.

"Jungkook...dad what did you say that he's crying... Koo" your dad was about to open his mouth but stop when Jungkook just stood up and lift you up in the air then spin around making you squeal.

"I got it! I got the job baby!" Jungkook cried and your eyes welles up too seeing him so happy, crying out of joy.
"Congratulations kookie... I knew dad will give you this...you deserve it" you peck his lips making him smile widely.

"Ohh so romantic!" Your mom suddenly enter the scene, witnessing Jungkook lifting you up in the air. He blushed and place you down on your feet then wipe his tears.
"Thank you so much...all of you...this means so much to me"

"Well Y/n was the one who requested but that's not the only reason I gave you this permanent job... I've heard from the students there that you're a great teacher and it's sad cause you're just a substitute. I know you are passionate about this so hence I gave you the job and because of this little missy here who loves her boyfriend too much that she beg me"

You blushed and hit your dad's arm lightly.

"Now since it's done let's have dinner and discuss about how you met my daughter!" Jungkook and your eyes widen on hearing your dad's words but before any of you could say anything your parents left the room leaving you both there.

"Now what will we tell them?"

To be continued

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Messing Around With Mr. Jeon [J.JKX READER] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now