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- Jungkooks Pov -

The lady behind the counter smile at me once I place the packet of pads infront of her. It's embarassing but I don't care. Y/n needs it.
"For your girlfriend?"
"Uh yes...can you please hurry up she needs them badly"

I asked kindly and she scan the things quickly. After paying I thank her then rush out of the store as I'm worried about Y/n. I just want to stay with her and take good care of her during her time of the month.

I reached my place and noticed the door slightly open. How? I closed it before heading out. Panic start taking over me so I quickly open the door shouting her name.
"Y/n!!? Your still here right!?"

"Yes she is...now explain what the hell is all of this Jeon Jungkook" I froze on my place seeing Jin hyung here. The fuck is he doing here in the first place?

I'm dead for real today.

"H-hyung... I.. I'll explain just let me give these to Y/n..." He sigh disappointingly and move aside so I could walk inside the bedroom where Y/n was still laying and closing her eyes in pain while clutching the duvet tightly. I wish I could take her pain away.

"Y/n..? Here I bought the things..do you need my help to get up?" I caressed her head and she instantly open her eyes.
"Y-your here... Mr. Kim fou-" placing my finger softly on her lips I stopped her from talking.

"I know baby.... I'll talk to him don't worry.. he'll understand... now let me help you to the bathroom at least then you can do your business while I talk with Jin hyung hm?" I assure her and she nod.

I entered the joined kitchen to see Jin hyung and he's standing beside the counter looking at me with anger.
"Hyung.. I-"
"You what Jungkook!? I warned you yet you still go against what I told you!? You want us both to be kicked out? You want your heart broken again by some slut-"

"Stop! She isn't a slut at all! Mind your language hyung!" I shout at him for the first time. He scoffed and slam his palms on the counter glaring at me.

"Oh yeah? Then later when she leaves you with a broken heart don't come crying to me! I told you to stay away from her but still you fell for her stupid charms! I'm telling you Jungkook... leave her... leave now and just I'll find another person to take my place... I can't believe you would actually do all this... sleeping with your student because of a heartbreak-"

"Enough hyung! I love her! I fucking do! And no I won't leave her! You can hate me and find someone else to take the job but I won't leave Y/n never...you are the one who told me to not give up and find someone else then now you are saying this when I fell in love again?"

"You don't understand! Yes I'm happy you are healing and loving again but with Y/n? Her? Out of every girl and after I warned you? You knew her only for months and I've known her for two years... I know she'll definitely leave you so you do first before she does"

"No hyung! I won't! You may have known her for years but you only know her from the outside but me.. I've known her for few months and I know her both inside out! You can't just judge her base on what you see everyday! She was there for me and comfort me when I'm down...."

"Your making a huge mistake Jungkook... I'm scared you'll end up getting hurt later why can't you understand that? What if she's just sweet talking and acting like she indeed likes you just to play with your feelings...why would she suddenly change her mind and choose you out of the other guys her age? Tell me..."

I'm speechless. His words hit some sense in me like a stone. What if he's right? Why would she chooses me out of every guys which meets her standard? No she won't do that to me right..she promised.

"Because I love him..." Both me and hyung snap our heads towards the ower of the voice which is Y/n. She's standing a few meters away from us looking weak and in pain due to her period but her words made me shock.

She love me? What if it's a lie like hyung said just now.

"Y/n don't do this...love not something for you to just play and say to anyone without really feeling it... Jungkook is already hurt so stop your act and leave him.."

I stare at Y/n sadly. She walk towards me and link her arms with mine making my heart skip a beat.

"I'm not acting nor lying nor playing with him....the way you talk about me is like I'm some cheap person who would stoop so low to hurt someone who's already so hurt..." Jin remain silent and continue to look at us waiting for Y/n to speak.

"I'm human too with a heart but mine was caged this whole time..that doesn't mean I don't understand how it feels to get hurt....yes I told every guy that I don't want commitment but that's because I haven't find the right person yet so I go around being with whoever I like...and now that I met Jungkook... I feel something different like I've never felt before.... he's not like the others.... he's different in a good way and that's why I fell for him unknowingly... I'm ready to give him my heart not just my body...my caged heart... I'm willing to give it to someone for the first time ever because I know he's the one... he's experienced and knows about love though he's broken.. that's why I trust him because he have gone through a heartbreak and would never break mine knowing how it feels...as for me I'm willing to give him my all and change myself for him and only be with him... Mr. Kim please...give us a chance...I promise I'll do anything just don't tell us to separate"

That's it. I broke down on hearing her sweet and sincere words. No one has ever said such things about me and now I'm only falling for her more. Y/n rub my arms as I cried to comfort me then we sat down at the two available chairs.

"I don't know... I can feel your sincere but I'm worried about him... Jungkook is like my own brother and seeing him in pain makes me sad...but if you are really willing to do this then I won't stop you guys...if he's happy with you then I have no rights to snatch his happiness away"

I hug Y/n and look up at Jin hyung with my teary eyes. He accepted.

"Yes Mr. Kim... I assure you that I'll never hurt him like that whore did.. I won't let you down really" I smile on hearing her words and peck her cheeks making Jin hyung cringe .

"Ok fine! I'm approving since you both really look like you'll suffer without each other...just be careful at the university though I know your dad owns it Y/n but no it's highly inappropriate for a professor to date his student... I'm only allowing this because I can see the sincerity in your eyes.. and dare to break each other's heart I'll break both your bones"

"Yes sir!" Both me and Y/n answered making us three laughed.
"He's just a substitute anyways and I'll graduate within a few months so there's nothing wrong..." She tap my nose with her index finger making me giggle. Jin hyung shook his head and face palm seeing us being lovey dovey infront of him.

Everything went well unlike I expected it to be. I thought Jin hyung will hate me forever but I'm grateful he understood my situation.

"Anyways what are you doing here early morning hyung?"

To Be continued

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