14 ♪ Loretta

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I made my way up to Nilmers highland and saw a blonde woman standing looking worried, however once she saw me her face immediatelly tightened up.

"Hm? You've come to find me because you want to join my elite riding club, right?" The woman says with a cocky voice. "Tan sent me to rescue you" I explained. Her face softened a bit at the mention of Tan, before it tightened again.

"I don't need rescuing, but she might need help fending off the newbies wanting to join our club" she snickered at the thought, before looking me up and down.

she was judging my outfit. I hadnt changed my outfit since I left from home. Her eyes met mine and she started to speak "We better get back to Tan, race me" She said lining up next to me.

"Ready? 3, 2, 1!" She stormed off on her horse. I leaned forward and whispered 'come on, girl' into Rosie's ear and she took off after Loretta.

We easily caught up with her and she let out a shocked gasp as we passed her down the Narrow path down to Moorland.

It wasnt long after that we returned to Tan. She was first a bit annoyed at us for riding full speed into such a busy area, but she calmed down quickly noticing her friend was back.

Tan had a smile on her face while talking about my technique on the riding track. "She cant be a member!" Loretta whisper yelled to Tan.

"Loretta! Come on! She just went through the trouble of helping you down from Nilmers Highland! And you saw how she rode when you guys were racing down here!" Tan whisper yelled back. Loretta's lips were a tight line on her face, and as she was continuing her old sentence, she said "..she can be an honorary member"

Tan's face lightened up, at her friend giving in. Loretta threw me a jacket and waved me off. "Maybe we can race again sometime, Y/N. I'll beat you then" she smiled, an actual genuine smile. I smiled back "we'll see" I laughed, riding off towards to the stables.

The sun was going down, and I was getting ready to go to Mr. Kembell's billboard.

I'll be there // Lisa Peterson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now