24 ♪ Castle mystery pt. 1

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A/N: sorry for no updates almost the entire month(,: I'm making this chapter longer than the rest for yall instead

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Groaning I stood up and put on my outfit. Rosie stood ready for me with a... saddle pack on? I opened the pack to see a lunch neatly packed in brown paper with a note.

Thought I'd make you some lunch (-:
(Or breakfast.. depending on when you eat it)
I hope you enjoy it! :-D

I smiled at the sight and closed the saddle bag. Rosie and I rode off towards Silverglade again, this time faster than yesterday, because I had to find out where the Baroness stayed.

Heading towards the castle again I decided to find that Steve guy from yesterday. Judging by his outfit, he probably owned the stable right by said castle.

Searching around the busy stable I heard his familiar voice talking to someone, getting closer I overheard the conversation between him and a horse stylist

"A lassie was checking the castle premise last night actually" Steve said holding the reins of a friesan currently being groomed. "Hm, hopefully she finds out about the noise, its hard to focus fully on work when youre kept up all night" a fragile voice filled with fatigue replied, braiding the main of the friesan. Steve chuckled and let out an 'aye' in agreement. The woman finished the braid and smiled at her masterpiece. "Fancy chattin' with you, Steve, however I've got work to do" the lady said yanking the reins from Steve andhanding them to a smiling brunette.

Steve turned around and saw me "ah! Lassie! Found any new clues on the hunt for the castle-mystery?" "Planning on heading to Silverglade Vineyard to ask the baroness" I said. "excellent! Oh, and lass, Harold in the town needed help with sumthin' check it out will ya? glasses blonde hair pink shirt big front teethers, won't miss him" I nodded riding off into Silverglade looking for a man that fit his description.

Ah, there. I rode (rid? I dont know the past version of ride hh) over to him. "You need help getting anything over to the vineyard? I asked, hoping it was the right person. "Ah! Yes! I need these wine bottles to be given to the butler at the vineyard, ride carefully, miss, they're fragile" He had a slight lisp and he spoke fast, like he had places to be, however he was also spoke with a slight demand in his voice. He loaded the bottles into my saddle bag and I rode off.

I let my thoughts wonder, this place must be really kind and trusting if they would let a stranger carry something so important around, or, maybe Steve had said he'd send someone? That would make sense.

I followed the signs leading over to the vineyard and crossed a bridge. I noticed a familiar horse in the distance, however I hadn't ever seen the rider before. Hm.. maybe I'd seen it at Steve's?

The horse dissapeared almost as quickly as it had appeared... weird..

I walked up to a guy standing by a limo. "How may I help you?" He asked, his voice stern and cold, yet welcoming, almost like an emotionally absent's parent's hug. "I have some wine bottles here for the butler" I said dismounting Rosie and opening the saddle bag. "Hm? Ah yes" he took them in his hands. "Are you new to the manor?"

"Yes, its my first time here" "Where are you usually staying?" "Moorland" "Hm, talk to a stablegirl or something for some info on the place, Linda is often in moorland- ah! No, no Linda, there is no Linda here.. go talk to a different girl, plenty of girls here, Judy, speak to Judy, shes in the blue jacket over there" He pointed over towards the stable and nervously scattered off.

"Hm? Hello? Oh! Y/N! Its great to finally meet you!" Judy smiled at me. "Huh? You know who I am?" "Of course I do, I talked to Thomas Moorland earlier and he told me all about how you saved the stables!" Her smile was warm and loving, like an elder sisters. Her face suddenly lit up and her cheeks flushed. "Ah! Actually can I ask you for a favor? We've been short on staff since Linda went away and I was wondering if you could help me with some work?" She bit her cheek nervously subtly fiddling with the arms of her jacket.

"Sure" Her face relaxed again and went back into its big sister smile. "We need some help fixing the pipes watering our grapevines, the harsh winter has broken eight or so of them, could you turn the pipes 'til the water stops leaking?" I nodded and she handed me a wrench. "Thank you so much, Y/N, I appreciate you helping the manor"

823 words
Would you guys like longer chapters or about the length theyre now (ill get back to my usual chapter updating)

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