16 ♪ Mystery rider

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A/N: thank you guys so much for 85 reads(::

I met with Thomas shortly after waking up. He looked around before handing me a folder. "Give this to the mayor of Silverglade village" he whispered.

I nodded and hid it under my jacket. Maya was standing saddling Rosie and handed her over to me. "Have fun" She smiled before picking up a shovel and going to presumably clean up poop.

I sat on Rosie and dropped the folder. Before I could react someone on horseback swooped it up and continued riding off with it. "Hey! Give that back!" I yelled, setting Rosie off after them.

There was something different about this horse and rider. The rider was cloaked, hiding their identity, and the horse, who was the most shocking of them, had left flaming hoofprints after itself.

"Stop!" I yelled after them, catching up. I cornered her by the beach, and I tried to catch a peak at their identity, however they turned their head away from me and throwing the folder at me.

"You win this time Y/N L/N. Garnok has his eyes on you" a voice of a girl said, taking off vanishing before I could comprehend what happened.

"Who was that?" I asked no one in particular. "Hey! This part of the beach is off limits!" I heard a middle aged man yell. He was dressed like an oil worker.

I took off on Rosie as he got closer, and I heard he mumbled something about 'kids these days'

I'll be there // Lisa Peterson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now