26 ♪ Castle mystery pt. 3

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The machine finally let out a louder beep. "We have the answer, are you ready?" Carney looked at me and Judy, she nodded like her life depended on it. Carney looked at the result he had gotten and opened his mouth to tell us the result.

"Theres the same type of oil on both of these tests" he states, lifting an eyebrow. "Why did you need this tested anyways?" Judy looked like she had just seen a ghost, instead of replying to Carney's question she turned to me. "We need to tell the Baroness"

I nodded. "Y/N, head over to the Baroness right now, I'll catch Carney up" Judy said sitting down and exhaling trying to calm herself, Carney trying his best to console her, keyword, trying.

The Baroness gave me a faint smile as I approached. "I'm guessing you've got news for me, judging by Ms. Judy's state right now I'm guessing theyre not good" she sighed and awaited my answer. "The grape vines are contaminated by the oil from the GED site" I said, wanting to become a pile of leaves and dissapear into the wind having Rosie be the only proof I had ever stepped foot there.

"Can you do something for me, dear? I've gotten a hint that those machines have been gotten in a faulty manner, and I need you to go note down the serial numbers so I can verify this" the baroness asked. "You can bring Sonja with you, shes out over by Pauline inspecting grapes"

I nodded and headed off in a random direction. I didn't know where Sonja was, nor did I know where Pauline was, or who they were in the first place. Rosie neighed and a blonde girl with pigtails turned towards me, stopping her conversation with a red head on a horse.

"Do you want to use the race? I'll time you" the blonde spoke. "Hm? No thanks, I'm looking for a uh Sonja?" I fiddled with the reims nervously. "Thats me" The red head stated lifting her hand up. "The Baroness wanted you to help me get some serial codes from the oil site" I explained. "Oh nice, thats way more fun than inspecting grapes" she grinned and waved bye to the blonde.

"Do you have to ride so slowly?" Sonja asked as we trotted side by the side. I scowled at her, yet she didnt seem to notice it as she complained at the speed we were going at. "Fine, lets race" I spat having enough of her bullshit. She smiled at me and ran off "Hey wait up!"

I caught up to her quickly, yet she managed to get onto the bridge before me. Due to the safety I layed back while we crossed it, but the moment we both got off the bridge i pulled Rosie up next to her. We ran past her easily, and actually had to wait for her when we got close enough.

She stopped her panting horse next to mine. "Your horse is like inhumanly fast" She said observing my grazing horse. "Well she is a horse" I retorted making her snort out a laugh.

She turned her head to watch the oil site instead of my horse. "We've gotta go in there... huh?" Her peppy voice had calmed down and was fragile, as if it would break at even the softest breeze from the wind. "Yup" "There sure is a lot of workers there" "mhm"

It almost looked like Sonja was about to flee the scene. "How about you uh... go in and do you know the number thing and I'll wait here? Keeping guard?" She fidgeted with the reins in her hands. Sighing, I agreed, watching her shoulders fall down as she exhales and relaxes into the saddle.

Getting the three first ones were easy, dodging the workers was a nuisance but still fairly easy, however the last one was the closest to Herr Kembell and he was keeping close watch on anything and everything around him. I couldnt ride just in an out really fast because 1) I left Rosie with Sonja and 2) I have to write the numbers down.

Even worse, the numbers are on Herr Kembell's side of the machine. Crouching down behind a stack of cement sacks I look around at my options. I could grab a rock or something to distract Herr Kembell with, but there wasnt really anything on the ground near me.

An employee walked over to Herr Kembell to speak with him. Bingo. Sneaking around I quickly take a photo of the numbers, before jumping back. "What? Ask your question useless employee" Her Kembell said. "I uh think there was a lady there" the worker replied. Shit. Herr Kembell's shadow grew over the machine.

"You!" Herr Kembell sneered looking down at me. "What are you doing here again? Trying to spoil my business for the second time? Well theres nothing here for you, we're legally working, now shoo, go dissapear like that horse of yours did" Herr Kembell spat.

I backed away slowly before running, mission, partly failed. "How did it go?" Sonja asked when I returned. "Herr Kembell spotted me, but just shooed me away, I've got all the notes though" I smiled fanning myself with the papers. "Nice! Lets race back!" Sonja headed off without me even being on my horse. "Hey! Not fair!" I yell after her.

I'll be there // Lisa Peterson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now