20 ♪ the not-so-builder-builder

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A/N: 120 reads?! No way!! I'm forever eternally thankful. I swear yall are gonna meet Lisa soon😭

"Y/N! Hi!" Thomas exclaimed at me waving enthustiastically. "Thank you for what you've done, GED is finally off Moorland for good!" Thomas continued.

"Thomas can I ask you a favor?" I asked nervously fidgeting with the reins. "Of course" "Can you or anyone you know help build this bridge up by Nilmers Highland? It uh the builder is afraid of heights" I pointed back to where I came from.

"I dont see why not, having the bridge reopened would benefit us all" He smiled. "Give me some time to gather some people and we'll be up there by noon?" "Sounds good" "excellent" he smiled a warm-father-smile that made you feel safe and protected against all dangers.

"Can you go tell your builder friend that the not-so-builder-builders are on their way?" Thomas walked away before I could answer and I turned around meeting Maya's eyes.

Riding over to her I gave her a quick wave. "Hi, Y/N!" She smiled gleefully. "Hi, Maya" "What were you talking about with mr. Moorland?" She asked intruiged. "We're rebuilding the bridge by Nilmers Highland, the builder is apparently afraid of heights" Maya snickered slightly.

"I gotta check this out, can you give me a ride over?" She asked wiping a fake tear away. "Sure" I said. Maya jumped onto Rosie and held her hands around my waist.

Riding more slowly now, we made it up to the bridge. "Ah! Y/N, is that the uhm builder crew?" He asked looking behind us for anyone else. "The others are coming at noon, she just wanted to assess the situation" I said, hearing Maya trying her best not to snicker at this situation.

"It's gonna be nice finally being to fix this bridge after a year" she finally muffled out. "Hm? Yes yes, I'm Donald" He said taking in the sun that finally came around the top off the hill. "Maya" Maya replied dismounting Rosie.

"I'll start working here, see you later, Y/N!" She waved at me as I turned Rosie around and decided to explore the other newly-unlocked area, Silverglade

I'll be there // Lisa Peterson x readerWhere stories live. Discover now