28 ♪ Castle mystery pt. 5

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I couldn't find Sabine anywhere, cursing to myself I ask the Baroness.

"Hm? Sabine? She left and packed in a hurry a while ago, funny since she payed for a month at the stable" she replied. "Do you know anything else about her?" My voice filled with urgeny, that seemed to go unnoticed by the baroness. "Frankly thats all I know or care about the stablegirls here" The baroness sighed "actually, theres a different lady asking about Sabine, maybe you two can be friends? Shes checking out the stable as we speak" The baroness nodded towards the stable.

I spot a familiar yellow horse neighing as it noticed me, earning a neigh from Rosie back. A familiar dusty blonde head of hair encaged in an orange beanie turned around.. Alex?

"Y/N!" She smiled as she saw me, engulfing me in a hug. "Sorry for just leaving you yesterday I uh" "I know" "Youve spoken too-?" "Yes" Alex smiled at me, before quickly remembering the situation we were in. "We need to stop Sabine, Y/N, I've been trying to do that for a while now. I'm also looking for Linda, a girl that dissapeared about the same time that Sabine came.. I'm very sure she has something to do with it.." Alex looked at her horse for a second before looking at me again.

"How do you know about Sabine?" Her eyebrows furrowed creating a crease between them. "I uh.. Sabine wanted me to give Justin a letter.. and then he kind of up and left right there" I muttered. "So Sabine and Justin are missing? Thats not good" Alex thought for a while, holding a hand on my shoulder. I wasnt sure if it was for her to keep me grounded or herself.

"Wait.. you've seen her horse right? And how its hoofprints are glowing like theyre on fire? There must be some left around here? Burnt ground or something?" Alex spoke. I nodded. "You search near and around the stable I'll check out the part of the manor on the other side of the baroness, mk?" I nodded and Alex mounted Tin-can, heading off.

It didn't take long searching to find Khaan's familiar footprints. "Alex!" I called for her. She looked over at me before running over, leaving Tin-can confused.

"Did you find anything?" Alex asked as she caught her breath. I nodded and pointed at the tracks leading out of the manor. "Lets follow them" Alex whistled for Tin-can who trotted over quickly. Mounting both our horses we ride off together.

The tracks lead all the way to Moorland beach. "I see them!" I yell at Alex who lets out an affermative 'hm'. We both stopped right at the edge between the sand and water. Our horses hooves getting sandy and washed by the sea before getting sandy again.

Justin stood there waving at us, smiling as the container left. "They're leaving.. oh no this can't be happening. This is a catastrophe" Alex was clearly shook by this, and I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked over at me. "I recognize those containers, they're from uh.." Alex looked for something to say. "I don't think this is my place to tell, sorry"

Alex took a deep breath "Someone has to tell Thomas about the news, can you do that? I'll meet you up at the manor, I need to do something, quickly" Alex didn't wait for a reply before dashing off on Tin-can.

Thomas watched me trot into Moorland, and my grim face must have been a tell tale sign because his eyebrows furrowed at the sight. "Did you.. uh... Did you find him?" He asked causitously. I shook my head. "He was heading off on a container with Sabine" my voice was so quiet and frail it almost sounded like a whisper.

Thomas let his tears fall, and almost automatically I jumped off Rosie to give him a hug. Someone so nice that let me stay at their stable for free, someone who took me in when no one else did, just lost his son. He held me tighter. We stood for a few minutes comforting eachother, before he let go. His eyes were watering. "I uh we need to get him back" Justin said wiping a tear away carefully with his fingers as if he was wearing mascara and didn't want to smudge it.

"I'm meeting Alex at the manor now, we're gonna do anything we can to get your son back" I smiled a sad smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Go to the meeting with Alex, Y/N. We'll manage"

Alex met me right by the entrance to the manor. "Y/N, you wont believe what I just found out!" Alex looked kind of exited. "Come with me, we need a private place to talk about this" Alex dragged me up to the rooftop café over the what I think is the library.

She sat us down and a waitress with bubble braids came over to our table. "Welcome to Silver Fork Restaurant, what would you like to order?" She asked. "I'll have a cherry soda" Alex smiled. "Make that two" I said aswell. "Two cherry sodas coming right up" she dashed away.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked the minute she was out of earshot. "Okay, so I spoke to the baroness while waiting for you, right? And-" Alex got interrupted by the waitress coming back with the sodas. "That will be 20 shillings" Alex gracefully payed for the both of us and watched her leave. Once she was far enough, Alex leaned forward and and lowered her volume slightly, but she did nothing to maintain the volume she was speaking in. "I spoke to the baroness and she told me that Justin is her Grandson! Can you believe it!"

"Did you find out who her husband was?" I questioned. She shook her head "apparently he was dead and buried a long time ago" "but that doesn't make sense, Justin wouldn't just up and leave because of a tombstone" Alex shrugged. "Clearly something fishy is going on here." Alex sipped her drink.

We sat in silence for a few seconds. Alex looked at the clock on her phone. "There should be documents in the old registration books, right? If he hurry now we should make it to the mayor before he heads in for the night" Alex grinned at me and we ran off, ignoring our half drinken bottles of soda.

"I'm sorry, the Silverglade family archive got burnt down during a tragic fire... weird that its the only thing that burnt down" The mayor spoke. "Is there no other way we can find out about the Silverglade family?" Alex begged. "Well, one mayor kept some extra documents in his summer house, it's located in the hollow woods. The place is run-down, but maybe you can find the documents?" Alex smiled at him. "Lets go, Y/N, we still have some daylight left"

We searched around the entire hut and found many different family names, but no Silverglade. The light was fading and we had to use the flashlight on our phones to search now. "Y/N! I found something!" Alex shouted for me. Running over I checked the book she was holding.

"In 1964 The Baroness married 'John Sandman' who supposedly lives in Firgrove" Alex read "I wonder who that is" Alex looked at the clock on her phone. "It's getting late, how about we meet up again tomorow? At the manor?" "Yeah" "goodnight, Y/N" "night"

1271 words

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