Chapter 3

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It is infact not a house

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It is infact not a house. It's a fucking castle. Like the old British architecture or whatever stuff. I look up at the building as if it's going to answer all my questions of how my husband's, now my own family owns this. My husband stands next to me, not at all bothered by my astonishment.

"How?" That's all I have to say. How do they have all this? Yes, he is from the richest family of the country but this? He looks at me and smiles. Glasses perched on his nose, that cover his light brown eyes. He is a charming man, that's something I've always known. He has always called me darling and I've.........liked it but there is something about him calling me 'love'. It was the first time yesterday. It's like hope. We can have something more than an arrangement. I can dream of a life with him. Of a family. Of love.

"My family was closely affiliated with the Britishers, darling. My great grandfather married a British woman. She was the daughter of a high lord and he gifted them this castle. This is where those two spent their lives. It was an arranged marriage and the tradition of such marriages has followed since then. Alot of people say that it wasn't a happy marriage. My great grandmother died in this house itself. Her husband didn't love her and she died of sadness and a broken heart."

That's.........a sad story. The castle is beautiful, but it's walls have seen tragedy. So much heartbreak. Why would father send us here to live? God knows. I don't believe in curses. It's not the castle, it was their lives that held so much tragedy.

He leads me inside and it is everything one would expect of a place like this. There is intricate detailing on every pillar. The ceilings are painted. This place is out of a princess movie, that I used to watch as a little girl. "It's beautiful." He hums at my words. "They say, lady Patricia decorated this castle herself. That's the name of my great grandmother by the way." The woman had taste. That's a fact.

Two hours later, I've got the tour of the whole castle. It would take so much time to just walk from one wing to another. Our bedroom is in the north wing. Opposite to where lady Patricia lived with her husband. The south wing. Their bedroom door is shut. It's not locked but from what my husband told me, no one ever opened it after she passed away. Not even for cleaning it. As if her ghost would walk out of that room. That isn't going to happen, and if there is a single percent chance of that, I would like to run as far away from here as possible.

Ghosts and I don't go well. I get spooked very easily. Apart from this, the castle is as lavish as money could buy. I stand on the terrace to look around the vast land covered with trees and grass. A picnic on this land sounds like heaven. But who goes on a picnic alone? I don't even know what Shivansh likes. My eyes turn to a wooden structure not far away from the castle. I point at it as I turn to the man next to me. "What is that?"

Shivansh follows my finger and his eyes light up as he spots what I am pointing at. "It's a barn, darling. Come, I'll show you." A barn? Ofcourse. They probably have ponies in there too. We ascend the stairs, walk out of the castle, and follow the stone path made on the grass towards the barn. My clothing isn't proper for the place, nor are my heels. Walking looks like a task here. My husband greets a man as we reach the barn. He is quite old, nearing his sixties, I assume. He smiles at us and bows lightly.

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