Chapter 7

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The fire burns bright as the two of us sit infront of it

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The fire burns bright as the two of us sit infront of it. It's been a very long time since I came here. This little cabin used to be Vidyut and mine favorite. We used to run here more often than not to just sit in silence. Today my wife accompanies me in that silence. Our clothes are wet and stuck to our skin. Her body trembles lightly. It's shivers from the cold I assume. The both of us will be sick before we know it in this situation. I've kept my glasses away too.

Water patters down the wood. There is nothing to do here, no signal to even use our phones. Though I don't wish to find any sort of entertainment to keep me engaged. Just looking at my wife is enough for me. She is sitting so close. The fire casts a glow on her face as her gaze stays on the flames. She is so beautiful, my soul has started to weep at the emptiness of my arms.

She turns her head to look at me and stops. Realization of how close the two of us are burning inside of me, brighter than the fire. We keep staring. Not looking away for even a second until her gaze falls a little lower. My lips turn upward. I've waited years for this. I am willing to wait more. But not if the opportunity is here. Right here. I lean slightly forward. Not enough to reach her, but enough for her to meet me halfway if she is willing. And does she meet me? She closes the distance between us.

Her lips meet mine softly. My palm moves up her back as hers go to the collar of my shirt. It's sweet and calm. No urgency in either of us. We both pull away slightly when her eyes move up to mine. It wasn't anything like what I imagined. It was better. Her brows furrow lightly when she looks at me. I am great at reading people but something about my wife doesn't let me do it properly. Reading her is a task. She is a language I haven't yet deciphered. And it makes her so much more intriguing.

Her frown leaves as soon as it appeared and her lips are back on mine. She pushes me back against the floor with her hands on my shoulder as she straddles me. The surprise makes me groan. Hmm. The same woman who whispers how beautiful she thinks I am to me while she assumes I am asleep is straddling me. What a fantastic day it is. My hands move into her hair matching the fervor she is kissing me with. She seems like an entirely different person. One I knew was inside of her all along since I read that very interesting paper she left in her wardrobe.

She moans into my mouth as our tongues tangle and that is the end of my patience. I roll her around so her back rests against the mattress I had placed on the floor. I pull away from her, hovering so my lips are right over hers. "If you want me to stop, now is the time to say it darling."

She shakes her head. Serenity dripping down her eyes as she fists my hair. "Don't stop." I pull away from her, moving lower so I can pull her sandals away from her feet. I kiss up the side of her calfs moving to the inside of her thigh. The dress she has on, works in my favor. I push my hands inside the seams until I reach the edge of her underwear. I drag the cotton down her legs and place it on the floor. Far away but still close enough to the fire so it dries in the heat.

My fingers feather over her sides, under her dress while my lips work her neck. Kissing her skin softly, loving every second of pleasure her whimpers give me. Or how her fingers tug at my hair. I move down her neck, trailing kisses until the top of her cleavage before lowering myself. I push at her dress, until it is bunched at her waist. And there it is. My heaven.

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