Chapter 4

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I look down from my position at Shivansh, a little scared

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I look down from my position at Shivansh, a little scared. "This is a bad idea."

I am learning how to ride. A horse.

I am perched up on Melena in my cream cotton shirt, beige pants and brown boots. Appropriate clothing for riding a horse. Melena has been a very patient girl with me till now. But I am too scared to even sit on this. Sure, I can live the rest of my life without learning how to ride but Melena is a gift for me. It won't be fair for her to not have a rider.

Shivansh runs a hand lightly over my thigh. "It's alright darling. Remember what I told you a week ago? Just trust the horse. She won't let you fall. Neither would I."

"But it's scary." I am acting like a child who is being left alone in school for the first time. It's ridiculous. My husband sighs. I have a feeling I am annoying him now. But I can't help it.

"Alright darling, move forward. Scooch." I move forward from my position and he mounts the horse easily. Behind me. He settles himself and gives me the reins to hold. "Now listen to me love. You hold the reins and the power. Alright? If you want to move the horse, kick lightly on their side. Not too hard, we don't wanna hurt them. Or you could snap the reins to give them the message." I do as he says and Melena starts to move.

"How much you pull at the reins, determines the speed of the horse." He tells me all about the horse, and I try to listen as much as I can, but my focus shifts to his hand often. One that is wrapped around my stomach to hold me still. He has big hands. Huge even. Perfectly filed nails, rings on both hands. Veins visible through the sleeves he has rolled up. It's very distracting. Never in my life did I think I would admire hands this much but here we are.

He snaps me out of my thoughts when he snaps Melena's reins. She picks up her speed. And it feels surreal. Free. The air hits me in the face and I like it. I didn't know doing things such as riding a horse could bring me so much happiness. It's something I can't even express.

Our ride ends too soon but I enjoyed it and I am grateful for it. Shivansh gets down with ease and opens his arms for me. He grabs my hips and pulls me down with so much ease, I feel like a feather floating in air. "Did you enjoy, my darling wife?"

"Yes." I blink a few times. Still hazy from all the movements. But I did enjoy the ride. It's not as scary once I have someone to protect me from it. "Well then, let's go inside." I walk beside him, back to the castle as Kamal uncle takes Melena back inside the barn.

"Did you open the box?" It has been a week since I found it, and I haven't opened it. Mainly because I don't have a key. "I don't want to pick the lock, Shivansh. If I haven't found the key, it means whatever is in there isn't supposed to be opened." He narrows his eyes at me. Reading me from behind his glasses. He hums and doesn't talk of it again.

The day passes by as we settle in bed to sleep after our dinner. The week had passed by in a blur. The honeymoon period as some call it. He returns to his patients tomorrow. And I, well I'll be here. Alone, in a giant castle with nothing to do. I was always told I'll be a housewife. All I was supposed to do is go out and shop for expensive stuff. It's annoying. My thoughts shut down as sleep engulfs me in an embrace.

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