Chapter 12

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My parents house is lit all around with weird modernized lamps

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My parents house is lit all around with weird modernized lamps. I've lived in the ancient looking castle with my wife and a ghost long enough to find all this weird. My sister isn't a person who is very fond of her birthday, she says birthdays are for children. For adults, it's only a reminder that another year has been reduced from their life and death is near. I am a psychiatrist but I can't figure what the fuck goes on in her head.

But since a dinner has been organized for her, I am sure she will enjoy all the people around her. Half of us don't go well with each other and she will live for the drama. I wrap my arm around my wife's waist and we walk inside. Everyone else is already here and we share pleasantries. Both of us ignore my father and her grandfather. Those two can play their evil ploys by themselves.

We finally get to my sister, who looks done with this gathering already. Amaira hugs her and Veera surprisingly smiles and hugs her back. It's good to find her approve of my wife. My little sister has always been hostile towards any other woman in my life. Even though that was long ago. "Happy birthday, Veera." I chuckle at my wife's wish and Veera glares at me. Like I said she isn't fond of her birthday. Amaira rolls her eyes at me and turns back to my sister.

"I know you don't like to celebrate it, but Shivansh and I still brought you a gift." That's when my sister smiles. Our gift would've reached before us. Her love for music is something Vidyut and I have always admired. She understood it better than anyone else I know, so we got her a guitar. She already has one, but it's so old now that I think the strings would break the second you touch it. She thanks us and we all settle down on the dinner table.

My father on one end and my mother at another. As far away as they can be from each other. My in-laws sit on my father's left and we sit next to them. Aadit and Shruti are on my father's right with Veera and Vidyut next to them, right across from us. My wife's asshole of a grandfather sits next to my brother, on my mother's left.

We all sit in silence as the first course is brought out and served. It feels like we are in a restaurant. Nothing homely about it. It's exhausting, being in this house. With people so shallow. Not all of them. My siblings are fine, they just pretend to have such shells around themselves, so my father doesn't drill through their hearts the first chance he gets. And my mother is just a hard exterior. She has warmth inside of her, she has just forgotten about it for whatever reason. My father on the other hand is just spoilt rotten from the inside. He has no redemption.

My mother in law turns to my wife, she tries to be quiet about her queries but she isn't as conspicuous as she thinks. "Are you okay, Amaira? He isn't hurting you, is he?"

Now, I appreciate the concern but it's hurtful how much trust her family has in me. My wife gives her mother a bewildered look. Oh thank God! "No mumma. He could never do that. He is very kind and sweet to me." Her mother sighs happily and Shruti raises a brow at my wife from across the table.

Is that supposed to be a smirk on her face? Shruti is nice and all but nosy as fuck. My wife gives her a glare and looks down at her food again. We all eat the first course in silence and then the workers switch up our plates with that of the second course. It's so fucking quiet. It's feels more of a funeral than that of a birthday.

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