Bonus Chapter

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I wasn't there when Shaira was born, and no matter how much time goes by, I still regret missing those days

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I wasn't there when Shaira was born, and no matter how much time goes by, I still regret missing those days. It wasn't my fault, but I can't help wishing that I was there. Amaira and I had decided to take our kids on separate dates once every month. I take one of the girls to one place and Amaira takes the other to another place.

This month, it's my turn with my elder daughter. Shaira has dragged me through the park and now she is pulling me inside a Cafe. "What do you want to eat, Shaira?"

"Ummm, something sweet? Waffles! And brownies! And chocolate milkshake!" Amaira would never get her these many sweets at the same time, and that's the difference. I melt easily. I place our order and we sit on the nearest table. She looks outside the glass window towards the bright sunny day.

My daughter has grown up, and she gets taller everyday I swear. "Papa?"


"I have decided, when I grow up, I'll work in the company, like mumma does. She is so strong, she works and takes care of us and even cooks for us. I'll do all that too when I grow up." My sweet-sweet child, she is only thirteen and yet she has plans this big.

"I work and take care of you too, why don't you wanna be like me?" Teasing her was amusing when she was younger, now she has gotten witty and she always has an answer. I can't question her choice of trying to be like her mother. My wife is extremely strong.

"Because you don't cook like she does dad!"

"Hey! I cook. You don't like the food I make, what's my fault in that?" Shaira shakes her head, mock disappointment flashing through her expression. She looks at the table on a corner and turns away immediately. I turn to find a boy, almost her age sitting with who I assume to be his parents. He is looking at Shaira.

"Who is he?" I ask my daughter who simply shrugs. "He is in my school. Same class."

"And....why are you avoiding him?"

"I am not avoiding him, it's just that someone told me he has a crush on me and I don't want to give him false hope." She has more brains than half of the teenagers these days. Good to know.

A waiter drops our food and goes back to work. Shaira attacks her plate, stuffing her face with waffle as if it will disappear. Just like her aunt. Veera also stuffs her face with food as if someone will snatch it away, especially if it is pineapples.

A tap on our table make me turn, and Shaira to stop eating. I eye the young boy curiously as he pays me no mind. He picks up a tissue paper and gives it to Shaira who uses it to wipe the chocolate sauce off her face, yet manages to somehow make it more prominent.

The boy smiles and wipes her face with another tissue. What the hell am I even looking at? This boy here, is very brave. He definitely likes Shaira and has yet chosen to ignore her father who is right beside her.

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