Chapter 11

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"What are you hiding Shivansh?" He came back alot more late than usual and he has looked at me with so much vulnerability since then that my heart shatters everytime I meet his eyes

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"What are you hiding Shivansh?" He came back alot more late than usual and he has looked at me with so much vulnerability since then that my heart shatters everytime I meet his eyes. I've asked him again and again about what happened but all I know till now is that he went to meet his father.

"Nothing darling. But you don't have to worry, not about this or anything your grandfather said. The stupid clause they put in our marriage is over. We will have a child when we want to, not because we are forced." His smile is pained, I can't bring myself to accept it. I do want a child and a family. And even though I wanted it on my own terms, I realized these are my terms. I've always wanted children and I've always been ready. The things my grandfather said were hurtful for an entirely different reason. Because he wanted to make me feel helpless and not in control. That's the most important thing in life. Autonomy. The freedom to make our own decisions. And my husband's face tells me he gave something up to come to this conclusion.

"What did you do Shivansh?" He frowns and looks at me with those hurt and broken eyes of his. My heart sinks further. "What did you trade in terms to give me this freedom? What did you lose?"

"My career." My face blanks. I know how much his father wants him to leave his career and join the business but I didn't think he would fall this low. My husband loves what he does. His job gives him joy and he is willing to give that up for something we will eventually have, something that I do want? I shake my head right away.

"No. Please don't do it." I walk to him and grab his shoulders. "Shivansh, I do want children. And I am ready for it. I've always been. And if you aren't-"

"I am. But that's not the point. They are blackmailing us. Telling me if we don't fulfill one of the two clauses then they'll take you away from me. Your grandfather made you sign a prenup. So did mine. And even though I got my lawyer to read it, that son of a bitch sold his career to my father and screwed me up. Our marriage would be over darling. And I can't take that."

"You don't have to. If I get pregnant within the year we will be fine. And together. Please Shivansh." Desperation poured out of eyes looking into his. He loves what he does. I can't take that away from him. "I didn't get the chance to have a career, to live the dream but you do. Don't give that up. Not for those assholes we call family. They are horrible people. Both of them. You giving up your career would mean they won. We can't let them win." His eyes brighten up slightly. Like he knows something.

"I have a proposal for you wife. You're a fashion designer. We are a fashion brand. Why don't you do it? You're a Malhotra." He smiles lightly. And I let go of him. I take a couple steps back, shaking my head.

"No. I can't do it." He frowns. His smile gone. I hate that. I hate that it's because of me but I can't change it. "Why not? You once told me how much you wished to be able to work. Then what happened?" I shake my head again.

"This isn't it Shivansh. I am not experienced. Nor am I joining just any company. This is the biggest brand in the continent. If I mess up, not just mine but your family's name would be ruined too."

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