Chapter 14

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I walk the length of the hall in the castle as my husband sits on the couch and proposes a deal

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I walk the length of the hall in the castle as my husband sits on the couch and proposes a deal. "You're perfect for it darling. You'll do great as the head designer for the company. You have the knowledge and skill and even the will to work. Just think about it."

I have thought of it. It's been a month since Veera's birthday dinner and this topic has been brought up more than a few times. My mother in law, and Vidyut seem happy with the decision too. Veera hasn't had the time to reach me about her thoughts on the matter, since her wedding is only a month away and alot has been going on in her life, but she has always been supportive of me.

My father in law hasn't said anything about Shivansh trying to put me in one of the most prestigious posts of the company. And that is something ticking off my spine. Something isn't right. He is too quiet and that is what makes me scared of him. Shivansh is prioritizing me over the company. That sounds familiar.

My eyes trail up the stairs towards the first floor, where lady Patricia's room is. I read her letters. I know what happened. I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending.

Shivansh waits for my response, all the while I keep my eyes glued to the locked door. I wait and wait. For something, anything. Will she crawl out of some corner and tell me what to do? I hope she does. I really do. Because she knows. She knows it all, while I am so clueless that my one wrong move can ruin my own life.

"My love? Are you alright?" She doesn't come. She doesn't give me a hint of what to do. I turn back to look at my husband and he raises a brow in question. I shake my head.

"I have to tell you something." He nods, waiting patiently. "I finished reading all of lady Patricia's letters. The tales you've heard and told me about her life are a lie Shivansh. None of it is real. This castle might have seen tragedy, it might have witnessed heartbreak enough to last a lifetime but it saw something way more beautiful before. A love story worth living all that pain."

I might sound desperate for him to believe me, I did to myself and I might even sound crazy for the amount of interest I've shown in a love story that happened nearly a century ago but I've resonated with it. I've felt the pain that woman went through as if it's my very own. Her uncanny resemblance to me is where I want it to end. I don't want my end to be like hers. It's too hurtful.

Shivers crawl up my spine at the thought of being in her shoes. A life once dreamt of, turning into a nightmare. I don't have the heart strong enough for it. My ears ring. The blaring sound of dread filling my soul with numbness. Shivansh stands up and walks closer to me. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into his chest.

Things quieten down. Only his heart beats against my ear. This is peace. And I don't wish to lose it. "Calm down, my love. Take deep breaths and focus on one thing. It's alright. It's all fine." I hadn't understood my own panic until he pointed it out. When my breathing evens out, he pulls me down on the couch and holds me close.

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