Chapter 6

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My days go by just fine in this castle

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My days go by just fine in this castle. Boring but fine. I've taken up a new task now. I cook all the meals. It's engaging. Alot more than what I've had to do afterall. I came out today. Looking at something other than the walls of the castle is a fresh start to my day.

My mother in law has accompanied me along with my sister in law. I should feel privileged that she took time out for me from all I've heard but I don't. I don't think she is the stone cold woman everyone calls her. She seems different to me. A strong woman. One that forgot how to be kind. Not just to others but to herself too.

Veera looks bored. Like she would rather be anywhere but here. Her airpods stuffed into her ears. She has blasted music so loud the even I can hear it through them. The waiter keeps our orders infront of us. Coffee for us all. Veera finally pulls her soul crushing, sound blaring airpods out and looks at her mother who narrows her eyes. My mother in law is wearing a black saree. She often reminds me of Gothic women. Not the vamps, just women of that time.

"Veera, maybe for once appreciate how other people have taken time out from their schedules and stop acting like a brat." Veera wraps her lips around her cold coffee glass and takes a sip. Unbothered by her mother's remarks and then turns to me. I've always felt she doesn't like me much. I don't know the reason but that's what I've been made to feel. I give her a little smile when she turns to me and she huffs lightly.

"You won't give up, would you?" I frown at her. What have I done? "I have nothing against you, Amaira. Not personally atleast. I just love my brother. A little too much. And all I've seen you as for the last two years is the woman who will take him away. He prioritizes you, you're his wife he should do that but as a sister, I see him being distanced from me. I've tried to hate you all this time but I've never found a reason to. Even today, when I am being a bitch, here you are, smiling at me like a self righteous little lamb. Do you not have a mean bone in your body?" I am confused at her exasperation.

"You want me to be mean to you?" She rolls her eyes and turns to my mother in law who is smiling at me. "Fantastic mother. You found a great woman for your son. I have no complaints." My mother in law smirks in her direction and then in mine. "Don't look so confused child. My daughter here was testing you. She is possessive of her brother. That's it." I nod at them both. I understand the lunacy my husband told me runs in his family but it's not as bad.

We all share a wonderful afternoon together and then move towards our car. My mother in law comes to see me off towards my car while Veera waves me from afar. Finally I can ask a question I've been thinking of for a while. "Mom, I heard you lived in the castle after your marriage for a while too. Why did you move out?" She stops walking abruptly.

She looks at me, her expression intrigued but she doesn't give much away. "Secrets child. So many of them. This family that we call our own, the name we carry on our shoulders, it holds too much to bare. You'll know. I know you'll know. You have the same curiosity in your eyes that I did. Though something tells me you'll do more with it than I ever did." I frown when she rubs my arm. She opens the door to my car and pats my head when I settle in. Then she turns around and leave. The driver takes me back to the castle.

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