Chapter 17

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10 months

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10 months. 10 agonizing months of living without my husband. The doctor says that there seems to be no hope of him waking up anytime soon. There has been no improvement in his condition and I've spent the last ten months laying beside him every night hoping he would wake up the next morning. He doesn't.

I hold the frame that has two photographs. One is of lady Patricia and her husband Shivaay. The other is of my husband and I. Two sets of ridiculously similar looking people, paying the price of falling in love. I trace them both with my fingers, trying to feel something akin to peace but it doesn't come. My life hasn't known peace even for a second since the accident.

Things have gotten better with time. Veera lives in Mumbai, living her life with her family and her career. My mother in law took over the responsibilities of administrating the company. I am still the head of the design and I am reminded of that when the door to my office opens and my assistant runs in.

We have a show today, the very final one of the season and it's the biggest event and opportunity for our company. "The models are ready, final touches are being added, your brother called, your family is coming for the show, your friend Mahira also called, she won't be able to attend as she is in London with her husband Ruhaan, but she sent you best wishes and a beautiful bouquet. The show is set to start in 20 minutes, your dress is hanging in the next room, please go and change and we have somehow lost the hair accessory that was supposed to go with the showstopper dress, an-"

"Stop talking! Take a breath, you are going to die if you keep on like this. I will be ready before you know it, for now let's try to make do of something with the  hair accessory for the final dress." The girl works hard, but she needs to know that it's not the most important thing in the world.

Thirty minutes later, we couldn't do anything about the hair piece at such short notice so we leave it be. We hope for the dress to speak for itself. The theme of our show today was all red. And so I am dressed in it too. I manage behind the stage, making sure everything goes nicely until it's time for me to walk out.

I walk the ramp, smiling and thanking people for all the applaud. "Thank you. This is the biggest show I've ever done and it's a privilege to stand infront of so many fashion moguls and feel appreciated. I've always wanted to create something that doesn't restrict the fashion to societal body standards that are honestly unhealthy. Everyone is different and has a different body type, I don't want to set any ridiculous standards for people to fall in. It's all a free space and so I made something that has them all. I am so happy to have received the response I did and I hope to bring a change for the better. Thank you."

I make my way down the stage, cutting through the crowd of applause and praise. I thank as many people as I can until I come to face with my parents. They both smile and hug me, congratulating me for the success I've achieved, as my mother puts it. It feels like an eternity ago, when she cried to me about being sorry and unable to do anything about my marriage. Little did she know, she saved my life by doing nothing about that. That's the best thing my grandfather ever did.

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