Chapter 16

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Have you ever felt the need to pull your lungs out of your ribcage and set them free so they can breathe? Because that is how I feel

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Have you ever felt the need to pull your lungs out of your ribcage and set them free so they can breathe? Because that is how I feel. I can't breathe. I try to fill my lungs with as much air as I can but it doesn't feel enough. It never does.

We brought Shivansh to the house his parents and Vidyut live in. I wanted to take him back to the castle but it didn't make sense. I wouldn't have been able to take care of him there alone. Not with me myself being seven months pregnant.

Shivansh lays on the bed, his hands on his side, IVs hooked to his arm. A monitor on the side tracks his heart rate. The beeping coming from the machine grates on my nerves. It's a reminder of everything that happened. Everything that has played in my head again and again like a nightmare.

I sit on the edge of the bed beside him. His motionless body makes me want to tear everything apart until he wakes up and calms me down. This isn't how things were supposed to happen. He was supposed to take care of me. To be there when our child is born. To hold them and teach them so much.

I don't know when he will wake up. Could be a few days, or months. Probably years. And the more I think about it, the more I understand the heartbreak that killed Lady Patricia. Losing the man you love can cause one to die everyday. I hold Shivansh's hand and put it on my stomach.

Our child gives a kick the very next second. They often do when my husband puts his palm on my stomach. My tears fall. "You see. Our child misses you. Just wake up. Please. I can't see anything without you. I can't see a life, a career, a future. Nothing. Please just wake up. Come back to me. Because I am waiting. And I'll keep waiting."

A hand rests on my shoulder and I look back up at my father in law. He looks sad. Tired. A little sick even. And why wouldn't he? No father wants to see his son like this. I would've sympathized with him, shared his pain if I didn't know what a monster he is. I stand up and move away to the corner of the room.

The day of judgement comes for everyone. It will come for me, it will come for him. I received an audio from an unknown number today. One where he ordered someone to fail the breaks of my car. I was a distraction for his son. History does repeat itself. His greed knows no bound. He went too far. Thinking everyone else is an idiot who wouldn't catch on to him. He believed the saying.

Malhotra's get away with a lot of things, especially murder.

What he forgot, was that I am a Malhotra too. So are the other in this family. I had wondered all this time where my mother in law was. She was right there. Waiting and finding out what actually happened that led to his son being in this condition. No mother would sit and wait for someone to kill her child. She didn't trust anyone but herself.

My father in law stares at me weirdly. I keep my jaw locked. My expression unbothered but my eyes blaze fire. I hope he sees it. I hope they burn him. He deserves nothing less.

The door opens and Vidyut walks in. Followed by Veera. They both look blank. No expression. They don't know it yet but I am sure my mother in law called them here. She enters last. Like the she-devil that she is. She doesn't wait, nor explains. Just simply points a gun at her husband like it is the most natural thing to do.

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